
If Pete Won the Fight (pt. 1)

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If Pete Won the Fight... (Pt. 1)

--Warning! Might contain a little bit of descriptive behavior--

*At the Opera, Mickey fights Pete the old fashioned way; Mano e Mouso. They fight, their swords clanging together as Pete made his advances on him. Flinging Pete's sword away with his own, he pints his sword at him but Pete steps on top of the sword. Once Mickey was caught off guard, Pete gave him a sucker-punch under the jaw, which sent the Musketeer flying and near the front of the stage. Dazed, Mickey turns and finds Pete pointing his own sword at him, the tip of the blade pointing to Mickey's heart.*

Pete: It's all over Mickey. And you are all alone.

*he grins*

Pete: And now with you finally out of the way... Getting rid of the princess will be easy as pie!

Mickey: Y... You won't get away with this!

Pete: Hah! Boys, take him away!

Brice, Brady and Bern: Rightio, boss!

*the three rush and pick up the Mouse*

Mickey: You won't get away with this, not while Goofy and Donald are on the watch!

Pete: Hah! Those two chowderheads are already in the dungeon!

Mickey: No... No, no, no!!!

Pete: Yes, yes, yes! Tata, Mousy! Hahahhahaha!!!

Brady: *laughs and starts pulling him along, Brice and Bern following behind him* C'mon, Tiny.


Bonnie: Ahh... *yawns* Finally, this farce is over! *she jumps on Minnie's huge bed* So soft~ I never slept on something so soft in my life~

Clarabelle: No kidding, now that Daisy's gone, I can have her fancy room~

*suddenly a knock in the door is heard*

Bonnie: Come in!

*as the door opens, a familiar mouse steps in, holding a tray of sweets, wearing a maids outfit* D-Delivery...

Bonnie: Oh Anne! *she jumps from the overly sized bed* Come in!

Anne: *her cheeks flushed red, she steps in, her head down and held the tray out*

Bonnie: Apple pie? My fav! *she grabs it from the tray but notices Anne's strange behavior* What's with the face?

Anne: *glares at her* Like you don't know... Since Pete won the fight, he's making me wear this, this... Frilly thing!

Bonnie: Oh... But don't worry, things will clear up!

*Brady walks in* Oi, Bon, how are ya doing? *Behind him, Brice and Bern follow*

Anne: !!! *blushes even more, turning to face them*

Brady: *blushes seeing the outfit*

Bern: Where... Did... You... Get... That... Dress?

Anne: *glances away, huffing in annoyance* Ask the King... He's making me wear this...

Brady: *nosebleed* Y... You look beautiful...

Anne: *is too shy that she hides her face with the tray*

Brice: Well... Umm... Oh! That's right, Pete said we have a ball to attend tomorrow.

Anne: A ball?? *takes the tray away from her face, making it come out of hiding*

Brady: Aye. In celebration of his new found title. Also, it's a masquerade!

Bonnie: Well, we already have masks on.

Anne: Masquerade? Oh, I love masquerades! Those are always fun to go to...

Bonnie: Then what are you waiting for? Let's get dressed!

Anne: Oh, I don't know if I'm allowed to go. I'm a servant now, remember? I highly doubt Pete would even give it a second thought.

Bonnie: Oh come on! I'm sure he will flip if he sees you in a gown!

Anne: ... Well, are you really sure?

Bonnie: Don't worry, I was able to make Bern look like a woman so there would be no problem decorating you. *she winks*

Anne: Really? Oh thank you, Bonnie! *she hugs her, a smile on her lips*

Bonnie: No problem. Now let's get you dressed!

Anne: Ok! But, uh... *looks to the Beagle Boys then back to Bonnie* Can they leave the room, please? I don't change in front of men.

Bonnie: Oh, right. Twins, go. Bern can stay.

Brice: What?! I-

Brady: Just do what she says, I'm more scared of her than the boss.

Brice: ... Alright. *quickly leaves the room, Brady follows*

Anne: *she sighs* Wait, why does Bern get to stay?

Bonnie: Oh come on, I dressed him as a woman and he's perfectly fine. We dress in front of each other all the time.

Anne: *this confused Anne* ALL the time? And neither of you are embarrassed by it?

Bonnie: Not at all.

Bern: We really don't mind because we are the same species. *blushes* Well sometimes I get uncomfortable dressing in front of Bonnie.

Anne: How come?

Bern: I... Don't know... It's just that I really want to impress her.

Anne: Ah, the classic "Try to impress the girl" routine.

Bern: "Blush" How come YOU never had a date before?

Anne: Wha-- *she blushes* Well, I, um... I mean, I HAVE gone on a date before, but they always end up bad... They either end up getting drunk, or they just throw themselves at me... *she clears her throat* That's why I don't go on dates.

Bern: Really?

Bonnie: *smiles slyly and whispers to Bern* I think I know how to get her to like THIS date.

Bern: Huh? Oh! Anne, why don't you go on a practice date with Brady.

Anne: 0\\\\\0 A p-practice date... With Brady...?

Bonnie: Si, I know Brady is a gentleman and he will not get drunk.


Brady: WHAT? A... A practice date?! B... But I'm not ready!

Bern: *sighs* Fine, why don't you practice with me first, then you can do it with Anne.

Brady: A date... With Anne... *blushes* This is gonna be one EVENTFUL masquerade... *he says sarcastically* Wait, hang about, I don't even have anything to wear!

Bern: Okay, practice with me. *quickly dresses himself as Anne*

Brady:  Wha? *blushes* Bern... You--

Bern: Entertain me.

Brady: Uh... *tries to think of a way to entertain if this was really Anne* Hm. Oi, Anne, did I ever tell you that you look absolutely stunning?

Bern: *Anne voice* Why, thank you and my I say you look handsome in these... Beggar clothes...

Brice: Oi, I don't think that's something she would say.
Just saying.

Brady: *nods and then continues* Thank you... I guess...

Bern: Well? Aren't you going to offer me a drink or something?

Brady: *he knew Anne wouldn't behave like that, but he went along with it* Oh! Hehe, uh... Right. Would you like something to drink?

Bern: Well, I want a rainbow smoothie with a bendy straw and an umbrella.

Brady: ... Bern, I doubt there'd even be those kinds of drinks here...

Bern: You MUST give the lady what she wants. You must travel to the ends of the earth just for her. That's what attracts the ladies.  

Brady: *sigh* Fine... I'll be right back.
*he leaves the room. A few minutes pass and he comes back with drink in hand* Here you go.

Brice: *chuckles*

Brady: *glares at Brice*

Bern: *drinks it, spits it out* *cough* This is disgusting!

Brady: But you said that's what you wanted!

Bern: I changed my mind.

Brady: *he sighs, taking the drink back* Then what would you like?

Bern: I want a truffle.

Brady: Ok, I'll be right back! *leaves the room again and comes back with a truffle* Here you go, m'lady.

Bern: Thank you! *eats it in one chomp* Now let's dance.

Brady: ... Uh... I-I don't know how to...

Bern: I'll teach you. Come on, one, two , three. Repeat after me... One two three, one two three, one- OUCH ! *Brady steps on Bern's foot* two three, one, two- OUCH ! One-OUCH, OUCH , OOOUUCCCHHH!!!

Brady: *sighs* I'm sorry! It's not my fault I don't know how to dance!

Brice: Oi, Shorty, how come you know how to dance?

Bern: Don't ask.

Brady: *sighs* If I dance with Anne and I mess up, she's gonna think I'm a bloody clutz!

Bern: Then we'll have to bust our butts to make you dance properly! My legs will probably be sore after this... *groans* Okay from the top!


Bonnie: Finished!

Anne: *takes a look in the mirror and gasps. She had never seen a more beautiful dress in her life. It looked lovely beyond compare.*

Clarabelle: Oh my stars, you look just absolutely lovely, Anne! Give us a quick turn.

Anne: *she spins herself around once before looking back into the reflection again* This is beautiful, Bonnie... Thank you both. *she smiles*

Clarabelle: Although... Something's still missing...

Bonnie: Aha! *she takes off her lace mask and puts it on Anne* There, now we are finished!

Anne: Thank you so much, Bonnie. But, wait... If you're letting me borrow your mask, then what'll you use?

Bonnie: Oh, I had these a long time ago. *when she takes of her mask she is wearing some lace on her eyelids* I'm more comfortable like this. Now I don't look like a criminal.

Anne: Hm... I don't think you ever did look like one.

Bonnie: True, that's why I wear lace.
*suddenly the doors open and the three beagle boys step in. Brice and Brady are dressed in tuxedos while Bern is in a dress*

*When the boys see the newly dressed girls they all blush*

Anne: *looks at them and blushes as well. She then notices Bern's costume and she giggles* *she whispers to Bonnie* What is it with Bern and dresses?

Bonnie: Men's clothes are always to big for him so he always gets dresses. But I think that's cute.

Bern: *blushes*  I... I look ridiculous don't I?

Anne: No, no, not at all! In fact, you look very... Um... Cute.

Bern: *blushes* Um... Well! We better get going! The boss is impatient.

Anne: Oh! Right!

Clarabelle: Well, lead the way, gentleman.

*they all walk out into the hallway, Anne walking next to Brady*

Brady: Y... You look stunning in that dress!

Anne: *blushes as she thinks of a reply* Why, thank you. And you look really handsome in that uniform.

Bern: Ahh my legs are killing me! *turns to Brice* Carry me?

Brice: Oi, ya gotta be kidding me... Fine. *picks up Bern in one swoop*

Bonnie: What happened to your legs?

Bern: Oh, that's because SOMEBODY stepped on them 25 times!

Brady: *glares back at Bern* Oi, it ain't my fault, alright?

Bern: *glares back* It's your fault you can't dance!

Clarabelle: Oh, my...

Anne: *gasps and looks at Brady* You... You cant dance?

Bern: Don't worry, I taught him.

Anne: Oh... *she stays silent and blushes more in complete embarrassment*

Brady: And for that, I feel, somewhat grateful. Thanks, Bern.

Bern: Your welcome.

*They all see Pete sitting on the throne in a room filled with chatter and music. People with masks are laughing and dancing*

Anne: Wow...

Clarabelle: Well, this'll surely be exciting! You five have fun, now! *she leaves to tend to other matters*

Pete: Ah if it ain't the Beagle Boys and, er... Girl. You all look... Why is small fry in a dress?

Brice: Well, long story short, boss? The men's uniforms were too big for him.

Bern: *nods in agreement*

Pete* You and your choices in clothing, Small Fry... *he looks down at Anne* ...Well ain't you looking beautiful, sweet cheeks. *he grins wolfishly*

Anne: *blushes and she curtsies, looking down* T-Thank you, your highness...

Pete: Now... Let the dance BEGIN!

Brice: *to Bern* Oi, can I put you down now?

Bern: Aww, but your comfy.

Brice: Right, down you go. *he puts Bern down on the ground, letting him stand*

*when Bern gets to the ground, Bonnie grabs him to tango*

Bern: Finally, someone who knows what she's doing!

Anne: *smiles at Bonnie and Bern. But regrets coming to the ball because of one mishap of hers: she herself doesn't dance*

Brady: Umm... *blushes* Wanna dance?

Anne: *blushes as well, looking to Brady* S-Sure. I'd love to. *she smiles, calming down*

*Brady takes Anne to the dance floor and wraps his arms around her. He sees Bern doing the tango with Bonnie, but he looks at him with the 'Don't mess it up' look*

Brady: *he gulps and begins taking the first step in the dance. He tries to be careful not to step on her feet*

*Anne was so lost in her own world when Brady took her fingers into his  big warm hands which made her flush in a soft pink shade of a rose. So many feelings rushed in her head that she couldn't describe the moment they started to twirl.*

Anne: *she sighs and looks into his eyes dreamily, smiling. And glad she didn't step on his feet yet*


*Bern and Bonnie are tangoing. The moment was not sweet or dreamy it was fierce. It was similar to a dance fight, no holding back.*

Bonnie: Music, candlelight and tango... We traveled this road before Bern. *she pressed him against the wall HARD and continued dancing*

Bern: *he blushed as she did this, but he just grins and dances along* Oh, you know it.

Bonnie: In Notre dame... I tried to kill you last time. But every time we meet I can't bring myself to do it. Tell me why.

Bern: Hm. Maybe it's just my natural charm, le Bon. *he smirks* Either that, or... *he pauses, spinning Bonnie once before dipping her down* You fell for me.

Bonnie: *smirks* Can I trust you Bern? I need you by my side now...

Bern: Of course... *he leans closer, closing his eyes, but Bonnie took a rose in her mouth. As she did that she quickly turned over and wrapped her arms around Bern's neck*

Bonnie: So... Where do you plan on going now... Now that Pete's king?

Bern: *he just stares into her eyes with a fiery passion* I don't care. Anywhere, as long as it's with you.

Bonnie: Hah, I thought you were too afraid of love, Bern... After all, YOU were the one who left me first back in Spain. But I forgave you a long time ago.

Bern: *he chuckles, spinning her again* Well, I guess love has it's ways to forgive and forget.

Bonnie: Oh, but I'll never forgive you Bern. *smiles slyly* You stole years of my life. Now I'm taking them back from you.

Bern: Well, take as much time as you need, l'amour. I've got all the time I need to make it up to you.

Bonnie: *chuckles* You are such a trickster but I love that about you...

*while people dance, it was time to switch partners and Pete joined in, grabbing Anne to dance*

*Anne's comfortable smile turned into an embarrassed blank expression. Because she was more uncomfortable with Pete than she was with Brady*

Pete: Hello there, sweet cheeks.

Anne: *she didn't want to look at him, so she glanced away* King Pete...

Pete: You know, you can get a higher rank than this. Become someone who is rich and noble. Why not just abandon the whole baker junk and join me?

Anne: *her eyes widened as she looked up at him with sheer shock and confusion* Excuse me?

Pete: You heard me, be my queen.

Anne: *Now she was just disgusted* Since when did you become interested in a commoner?

Pete: Oh, but your special! And after all sweet cheeks, what choice do you have? Is it because of one of those mutts?

Anne: *she looks away* ... I don't know what your talking about. And besides, what makes ME so special?

Pete: It's simple, your feisty personality sells it. No woman in France acts like you.

Anne: *she sees Bonnie and Bern dancing nearby and takes that to her advantage*

Anne: Uh... Ooh! W-Why not Bonnie? She's feisty! More feisty than me, so...

Pete: Hmmm... You do have a point. But there is one thing that you have that she doesn't.

Anne: *glaring at him* And what would that be?

Pete: Simple- INNOCENCE. Le Bon lost her innocence a long time ago. She is not clean and pure as you.

Anne: *she gasps and looks towards Bonnie, feeling rather distraught* Bonnie... She... How come she never told me...?

Pete: Heh, that girl tells lies that are truths, and truths that are lies. She has been corrupted and finally snapped.

Anne: But she's my friend... She could've just told me the truth...

Pete: Don't you get it, mousy? She doesn't care for anyone! She's just a trickster who does things to her own advantage!

Anne: *feeling a small fire spark inside her, she furrowed her brows and shook her head* No... No, that's not true... You're lying!

Pete: Hah, why don't you go ask Clarabelle? I'm sure she would tell you.

Anne: ... Alright, I will! *with that, she broke away from Pete's grasp and went to look for Clarabelle*

Clarabelle: Oh hey, Anne!

Anne: *her cheeks are flushed red* Clarabelle, I need to talk to you.

Clarabelle: Golly, what is it dearie?

Anne: Is it true about what I heard about Bonnie? That she... Lost her... Innocence?

Clarabelle: *her face darkened* Who told you?

Anne: King Pete. Speaking of which, he wants me to become his queen!

Clarabelle: That cursed Pete... Always loves to reveal hidden secrets.

Anne: *gasps* So... It's true?

Clarabelle: *sigh* Yes... She was such a sweet girl back then... Damn that Bern, if only he hadn't messed up her life...

Anne: Wait... Bern? So you mean... HE took her innocence from her?

Clarabelle: Now don't get me wrong, he wasn't the Bern you used to know yet. He had a whole different personality.

Anne: *she sighed* I want to know the truth. ALL of it.

Clarabelle: I'm not sure Bonnie will be happy about that... I swore on my life to never tell...

Anne: If you won't, then I'll ask her myself.

Clarabelle: Don't! She will have an emotional breakdown if you ask her.

Anne: *she thinks about it and sighs* Your right... I don't want that for her... Ok, I won't ask her.

Clarabelle: Alright, I'll tell you, but you have to swear on your life to not tell anyone else. SWEAR ON YOUR LIFE, because last time Bonnie nearly shot me to death.

Anne: *she gulps then nods* I swear on my life that I won't mention this to anyone else.

Clarabelle: Well, it was a long time ago I guess 5 years ago. Bonnie lived in a convent and was ready to become a religious beagle. At that time, Bern snuck in and both of them had an affair, resulting Bonnie to refuse to take her vows. She later ran off with him and walked in the life of a criminal. She was happy I admit, but not long before Bern left her and their relationship ended. Bon had nowhere to go now, so she swore revenge on him. Of course Bern can't remember any of this, he is a changed man. After that severe injury in his chest he lost all memory of his past life.

Anne: Pain in his chest...? You mean he was heartbroken?

Clarabelle: No... He was injured in a fight... After that Bonnie confronted him but he didn't remember anything which made her even more mad. She missed the old Bern but accepted the " the new idiot " now.

Anne: Oh... Poor Bonnie...

Bonnie: ¡eh! What's going on? What's with all the también?

Anne: The what?

Bonnie: I meant "hiding" in Spanish. So why are you two so huddled up? Brady is looking for you and wants another dance.

Anne: He does? Oh! I better go find him!  And uh... When we had to switch partners, Pete took me to dance, and you wouldn't believe what he said...

Bonnie: Oh? And what is it?

Anne: *gulps* He wants me to become his queen... And I don't want to! But I didn't give him an answer yet! What should I do?

Bonnie: That's serious... But think of the endless possibilities, Anne! The riches, the fame! That's just a dream come true.

Anne: But... Bonnie, I don't love him! I'm leaning towards saying no!

Bonnie: Who says you need to love him to be queen? If I were you, I would marry him then get rid of him. Seriously you're starting to act like Minnie.

Anne: True. But I don't love the mouse. I... You know what? Forget it. There's a lot of things you can't tell me right... *as she says this, she leaves and goes to find Brady*

Bonnie: *look suspiciously at her but shrugs it off*

*While Anne is walking around the ballroom she sees Bern eating a truffle , he waves at her with a toothy grin. Anne can't help but not believe that this beagle was once a cold blooded trickster*

Anne: [I oughta punch him for what he did...] *she thought as she shook her head and kept walking*

Brady: Hey, Anne! Where were you ? I thought you got bored of me...

Anne: Oh! Brady! I'd never get bored of you. You should know that... *she held his hands in hers and leaned closer, holding him close* I just had to talk some things out...

Brady: *blushes* Ah! The dance is going to start! Shall we?

Anne: *she looks up at him and smiles* Of course, Brady. *her cheeks glowed a rosy red*

*Suddenly spanish music plays*

El Troubadour: Alright mi amigos! Here are the rules, you must party like your in Spain! But every 4 minutes you need to change partners fast.

Anne: *thinks* [Aw man...] Ok, I can do this...

El Troubadour: Let the dance BEGIN!!!

*Brady was unsure what to do but he saw all the men tap dancing FAST and he attempted to do the same but got his legs tangled up and fell*

Anne: Oh! Are you alright? *she helped him up and continued to dance with him*

El troubadour: SWITCH  PARTNERS!

*Brady didn't know what to do so he grabbed the closest person and it appears to be Bonnie. Anne found out that Bern just pulled her in a tango.

Bern: Hey, Anne. So how is your date going?

Anne: *she glared at him* Couldn't be... Any worse... Pete wants me to be his queen. And I didn't get the chance to tell Brady. And I want to say no. *she said truthfully and fibbingly. She couldn't dare tell him what Clarabelle told her*

Bern: What?! That's just gross! *twirls her* Hey, I saw you and Clarabelle make funny faces back in that room, what were you talking about?

Anne: Well, the same thing I just said. I can't tell whether to say yes or no. And the thing is... I don't love him. I'd rather be with Brady than become queen! But Bonnie gave me an idea, which I think I'm going to go along with.

Bern: Bonnie always has the best ideas that's why I admire her so much! *sighs dreamily as he gives Anne another twirl*

Anne: *as she sees his expression, she gets the idea of his feelings* Do... Do you love Bonnie?

Bern: What? I-- D... Don't know what your talking about...

Anne: *she frowns* You should.

Bern: ...Who says I don't?

Anne: Don't what? Remember, know, or love her?

Bern: *blushes* W... Why are you so concerned about my feelings towards her? That's none of your business.

Anne: I'm not making it my business.  That's your decision to make, not mine.


*Anne let's go of the smaller beagle and hurries to find a partner but runs into someone she least expected-Bonnie. Without saying anything, Bonnie grasps Anne's hands and starts dancing with her.*

Bonnie: Tonight you really are acting suspicious.

Anne: ... Yknow what, Le Bon? Sometimes I wonder if you ever acted suspicious. Or if you ever cared to tell even your closest friend about your secrets. Even though I said you could tell me anything.

Bonnie: *eyes grow dark* What secrets? *she was beginning to understand*

Anne: ... *she sighed, not wanting to break her friends heart, or their friendship over what she was going to say* Pete told me everything. About you... And your innocence being taken... I didn't want to believe it.

Bonnie: ........... *she let go of Anne's hands and stared at her blankly*

Bonnie: Heh.... Hehehehehe.... HAHAHAHA!!!!!! *she laughed like a maniac before her voice grew cold* I knew I couldn't trust anyone... *she coldly pushed Anne out of her way making the mouse trip and fall*

Anne: *she landed with a thud and watched her leave. She quickly stood up and tried to go after her* Bonnie, WAIT!!

*Bonnie pointed and shot a dagger at her, missing Anne by a hair as she slammed the door shut. Everyone in the room looked up in shock. Bern and Brady came up to Anne*

Anne: *she looked down, covering her face with her hands* B-Bonnie...

Brady: Are you hurt?

Bern: What happened?

Anne: ...A little heartbroken, but... *hearing Bern's voice, she felt her blood boil inside. Then she turned to him and slapped him across the face HARD*

Bern: OOWWW?!?! *his cheek turned red* What was that for?!

Anne: *enraged, she hissed at him* ... Everything you did to Bonnie... You ruined her life! *she turned and ran out of the room*

Bern: W... What did I do? *he was shaking now*

Brady: *he grabbed him by the cape and didn't let go* WHAT DID I DO????

Brice: *hurries over to them* Oi, what happened? Where's Bonnie and Anne?

Bern: *feels slap mask* What. Did. I. Do? *his voice was cracking*

*Meanwhile Anne was frantically searching for Bonnie*

Anne: *she looks left and right, up and down the halls, everywhere. She even checked the room, but she couldn't find Bonnie* BONNIE!! Please, come out! I need to talk to you! I thought we were friends!!! And friends don't keep secrets from each other...

Bonnie: ... *she was sitting on the roof of the highest tower listening to Anne's frantic cries*

Bonnie: Since when were we friends?

Anne: *still in the halls, she continues to search until she ended up outside* BOOOONIIIIIIIEEEEE!!! *she yelled, hoping she could hear a reply, but to no avail, she sunk to her knees and her head sank as well* I care for her... Why couldn't she have just told me...

Bonnie: *laughs bitterly* You think everything is so easy Anne? You are so naïve...

*as she heard her voice, she gasps and looks up, trying to see where it came from. Until she saw her on top of the tower*

Anne: *small tears began to form in her eyes* Pete... Pete was right about you... You never cared for anyone...

Bonnie: *stares blankly at her, suddenly her face turned into a horrible grimace* Hehehehehe, stop crying, you look pathetic.

Anne: Y-You're horrible! But not like when you were just a sweet girl before you were about to become religious!

Bonnie: Who told you that? Hmm? Oh... That espalda cow did, didn't she?! *her face grew morbid* How much did she tell you?

Anne: *she grimaces and looks away* I'm not saying that to you... *she said coldly* ... I've finally made my decision... *she hurries back inside*

Bonnie: Wha? *she grabs her sword and runs after her* Annie, ven aquí te arranco la cabeza!

Anne: *grimaces and dries her tears, running faster* No, Bonnie! I won't stop, or come near you again!

Bonnie : ¡Desgraciado!

Anne: *she stood at the ballroom door before opening it. She turned her head to Bonnie, her face and eyes red* Why do you think I'm miserable? Just like you were, Bon. *she opens the door and harshly shuts it behind her*

Bonnie: ... *she impales her sword on the door nearly slicing Brady's head in half. Then leaves*

Anne: *she looks at Brady and worry shows in her eyes* Are you alright?

Brady: What happened between you two and why-

Brice: Oi! What's the meaning of this? What's with the name calling and slapping on Bern?! Shorty is shaking in the corner now.

Anne: *enraged since he mentioned Bern, she shouted* Shut up! He should know. Oh, wait, he doesn't because HE CANT REMEMBER A DAMN THING that happened between him and Bonnie! Now, where's Pete? *she asked harshly*

Brady: Why are you looking for Pete?

Anne: *she looks to Brady, feeling regret inside because she didn't get the chance or time to tell him* Trust me Brady, I know what I'm doing. I told Clarabelle, so she'll tell you if you find her. *before she goes to look, she gives Brady a quick kiss, whispering silently* I love you, Brady... Please forgive me for what I'm about to do... *she pulls away and walks further into the ballroom, looking for Pete*

Brady: W... What?! Anne wait!

Anne: *she looks back*, the look of sorrow and regret spread on her face like bread and butter* I'm sorry, Brady... *returns her attention in front of her, and finds Pete, sitting on the throne*

Pete: Well hello, sweet cheeks. What brings you here?

Anne: It's Anne-Marie. But no matter... I've been thinking about your offer earlier, and... *she sighs then looks at him in the eye* I've come to my decision.

Pete: What is it?

Anne: *she clears her throat before taking a step forward* I... Accept... Your offer, King Pete...

King Pete: Really? That's good to hear. Attention everyone. I would like to announce that Anne accepted my engagement to her. *the crowd gasped*

Brady: *gasped* W...Why? Anne...

Brice: Oi, what the bloody hell?!?!

Bern: *whimper*

--behind the doors--

Bonnie : .......  Anne.... You.... Idiot ..... *tears fall from her eyes*

Anne: *without hesitation, she glanced back at the three while Pete wasn't looking, and mouthed the words, "I'm sorry... I know what I'm doing..." Then she turned back, a few tons of regret hanging on her shoulders. She even wondered if Bonnie heard from behind the door*

Pete: *grasps her hand and pulls her up* This lady will be the new queen of France!

Anne: *nervously yet painfully smiles, even though everyone's watching. She could even see Clarabelle's expression. She looked shocked beyond belief*

--Later the next morning...--

*Anne received a knock on the door*

Clarabelle: Anne, it's time for breakfast. Meet us in the dining hall.

Anne: *she yawns as she looks to the door* Alright... *yawn* I'll be right there... *as the door closed, she got out of bed and straightened herself up; brushed her hair, changed into something comfortable then left the room. Anne headed to the dining hall*

*at the dining hall, there sat Clarabelle trying to look happy, Brady was sitting next to her still looking shocked from last night's events, Bern and Bonnie are sitting next to each other their faces blank, while Brice looked pissed off*

Brice: *slams his fists on the table* Oi , why the hell did you agree to become Pete's gal?! I thought you refused his offer!!

Anne: *she didn't have the energy to yell or argue, but she had to say something* ... It wasn't my first choice, you know. I was going to say no, but then I thought, what would happen if I did say no? Something could've happened to either of you, and I didn't want that. Besides... *she paused, glancing towards Bonnie* ... Bonnie had a great idea, and I'm thinking of going along with it.

Bonnie: .........

Clarabelle: What's with you two? Why are you guys so quiet?

Brice: Oi that is strange. I would expect Bern to say something stupid like *With annoying voice imitating Bern* - "They're getting married? Why didn't I hear this? "

Bern: .... *stands from chair and punches Brice in the face, making the taller beagle fall of his chair in utter shock* Shut up...

Anne: *seeing this action made her surprised. But she didn't make any expression* Well... It's good to hear you talking again, Bern.

Bern: *eyes sharpen by seeing Anne* So... You finally showed yourself. *his voice got lower and more mature*

Brice: Oi, Bern, what the heck?

Bern: What are you proving by marrying Pete?

Anne: ... Oh, trust me. It won't be a permanent marriage. *she said coldly*

Bern: ...You want to prove to us that you're not that naïve, aren't you? But you can't, because you're still an innocent girl who wants to prove something that cannot be done.

Anne: Oh it WILL be done... Once I get rid of him. He mentioned that I had something that I had innocence. So, I thought in my mind, he probably wants to take my innocence from ME. *she chuckles coldly* But that won't happen... Not unless I kill him first.

Clarabelle: Anne-Marie! What's the matter with you? That's INSANE! You're not a murderer!

Brady: ANNIE! *grasps her shoulders* Whatever you are doing, STOP it please...

Anne: *the look in his eyes made her heart sink like an anchor from a ship. It took her only a few seconds before she snapped out of it, lowering her head in shame* I... I'm sorry... I just... When she said, "marry him, then get rid if him", I assumed she meant that...

*the whole room was silent*

Anne: *you could hear silent sobs from her* I-I don't want to marry him... But... What could've happened... *sob* If I said "no"?

Brady: Oh, Anne... *he hugged her* We could have worked everything out. And who suggested this horrible idea to you?!

Anne: *she hugged him back tightly, glancing to Bonnie, thinking about what everyone would say or do if she said she gave her that idea. So she had to lie, even though she didn't want to* ... I'd rather not say...

Bonnie: I'm going out... *she jumped off her chair and went towards the front door*

Brice: Oi, what's with everybody?!?!

Bern: Stop her!

Anne: *breaking away from the embrace, she went after the female beagle* Bonnie, wait! *she reached out and grabbed her by the wrist*

Bonnie: ...What?

Anne: *she blinks, a tear falling from her cheek* I know... I know how you must be feeling right now. I know you're probably still mad at me for finding out yesterday about you and Bern. But that's something you should've told me a long time ago! *she told her quietly, so no one else but Bonnie could hear her*

Bonnie: *tries to keep her voice calm* Why should I tell you? What does it matter? If I told you, nothing would change except you knowing my weakness...

Anne: *she looked more upset* What does WEAKNESS have to do with it?  What're you even saying, that what you did before made you weak? *sighs* No... You know what? That was just a decision you decided to make on your own, and you made a fool of yourself for it... *letting go of her wrist and walked passed her, leaving the room quickly*

Bonnie: *bitter* At least I don't hide my feelings like a coward.

Anne: *hearing that from behind the door, she sunk down and leaned against the door, burying her face in her arms and knees, beginning to sob again* And I told you EVERYTHING you could've POSSIBLY wanted to know... *she said quietly*

Brady: What was that?!?! Why are you acting like that with Annie?!?!

Brice: Oi, I don't understand why EVERYONE'S acting like bloody jerks!

Bonnie: *she finally explodes* CALLARSE, ALL of YOU! *she spat each word with venom* I'm tired of your constant complaining Brice, you and your stupid TEMPER, it's ANNOYING! Always screaming and shouting! I would have ripped your vocal cords out if I wanted to! *she angrily glanced at Clarabelle*

Bonnie: And YOU ARE A TRAITOR! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU NOW! *she glared at Bern*

Bonnie : And YOU *she grasped Bern's cape* are even WORSE, you ¡Descrasiado!  You betrayed me! You seduced me and you used me. I was innocent of the ways of men.

Brady: *he stared in complete shock, seeing this behavior come from Bonnie* Bon...

Brice: *he couldn't say anything because he was too shocked as well*

Bern: ... HehehehehehehHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah you demonstrated a lot of technique for someone I supposedly corrupted. *His eyes turned cold* I must applaud your willpower.

Brice: What the hell...?

Brady: Bern...

Bern: I don't care what anyone thinks. I was supposed to die 5 years ago. Why am I not dead? Why can't this fleshed cage open it's lock on my soul. I'm not myself anymore... *he was shaking* Someone... Kill me... I can't bear with a split personality...

Brady: *grabs Bern by the shoulders and shakes him* BERN! Snap out of it! NO ONE is going to kill you!!

Brice: Oi, even IF you request it, we're not going to KILL YOU!!

Bern: If you don't, I'll do it myself! *he grabbed Brady's sword from his waist and ran through the same doors Anne did*

Anne: *seeing him run off with his sword, Anne quickly stood up and called out to him* BERN!!! DONT DO IT!!

Bern: No use stopping me... *He continued running*


Brady: *runs out of the room quickly and after Bern*

Anne: *seeing him run out, she runs after him*

*Bern runs to the bridge area where he pulled out his sword*

Brady: Bern stop!

Bern: Don't come any closer or I swear to god I'll jump off this bridge.

Anne: No Bern, DON'T!!! What would Bonnie say?!

Brady: She'd probably start cursing at him in Spanish.

Anne: True. But I don't know what her reaction would be. *remembers last nights events* ... She was probably devastated when I accepted Pete's offer...

Bern: *suddenly his eyes had a spark in them* W... Wha? Why am I on a bridge? *the spark disappeared and he grabbed his sword pointing it to his neck*

Anne: Bern... No, don't do it. You know it's not smart to make decisions like this... Plus, if you do this, a lot of people would miss you. Your friends, family... And possibly Bonnie would miss you!

Bern: *clutches his head. It's like he was being ripped apart* GAHHH! Just get on with it! *he grasped the sword and prepared to plunge it in his neck but a dagger flew his way and knocked the sword from his grasp*

Bern: Wha-?

Bonnie: Didn't your mother tell you that playing with knives is dangerous?

*both Anne and Brady turned and saw her*

Anne and Brady: Bonnie!

Bonnie: Did you really think I would let him die? I wouldn't let him go so easily.

Brady: Bonnie...

Anne: So, you forgave him...?

Bonnie: No, I didn't and I never will. But I won't let him die because of this ridiculous matter.  You hear me?!? Bern, snap out of it!

Brady: *turns to Bern, walks to him and takes the sword from him* She's right, Bern. This has gone too far!

Bern: ... *he takes a step back on the bridge's end*

Brady: Bern, STOP!

Brice: *comes outside beside Bonnie*

Bern: Goodbye, forever. *takes the final step but someone ran up to him and grabbed him preventing the fall. They both tumbled on the ground*

Bonnie: *pant* NEVER do such a thing to me, you idiot!

Anne: *sighs of relief*

Brady: *silently* Oh, thank god...

Bern: C... Curse you... *his other personality starts to fade and his old self returned* W... What the heck happened? Why am I- *he sees Bonnie hugging him and blushes* Anne, Brice and Brady? W- Wha?

Anne: You were about to kill yourself and jump off the bridge...

Brice: And Bonnie stopped you.

Bern: W... Why would I do that?!?!

Anne: Well... *she looks to Bonnie, stopping herself from speaking* I think I've said enough. This is between you and Bonnie now.

Bern: Wha?

Bonnie: Come on, let's get you to bed...

Bern: *sighs* Ok...

Anne: *sighs of relief and holds onto Brady's hand* Thank god...

Brice: Oi, now what're we gonna do about her decision with being Pete's queen?

Brady: I have no idea... But let's hope for the best...

Anne: *she turns to him and hugs him* I don't want to kill anyone... But I already agreed to become his queen... So how do I get rid of him? *this time she asked that to Bonnie*

Bonnie: Make it a little,"accident".

Anne: *she looked at her confused* What kind of accident?

Bonnie: Poisoning, drowning, bashing on the head accident. *smirks*

Anne: *her eyes widen* Oh wow... There are so many choices... I'll make up my mind afterwards. Oh! Speaking of which... I can't remember if he said when were supposed to wed...

Bonnie: Then you must urge him to marry you quickly.

Anne: Why me?

Bonnie: Because you're the bride! Did you expect me to seduce him in some sort of way?

Anne: Uh... No, you have your own man to be thinking about. *her eyes glimmer at an idea* But maybe I can. *she grins*

Bonnie: Hmm, I'd like to see that. *both smile sneaky*

Anne: *she giggles* Maybe. *she winks* Hm... Well, I better go find him. I don't know what got those guys at the shop to fall for me, but now I think I can show off my feminine wiles. And after he's gone, you're all free to do whatever you wish with your lives. That I promise.

Bonnie: Really? Bathe in money, prank servants and eat as much as we want? Even kill anyone we want?

Anne: *she held a blank expression* Uh... Maybe I'll leave the "kill anyone" out for now... Till then, I'll think about it. Well, wish me luck. *she looked to Brady* I'll see you when it's been done, ok?

Brady: O... Ok?

Bonnie: *whispers to Brice* Something tells me the NEW KING OF FRANCE is standing right next to you.

Bern: Where? *looks to all directions and jumps about acting stupid in his own way*

Anne: *she giggles before giving Brady a kiss before heading back inside* I'll be right back, guys. Wish me luck! *Then out came a short, quiet, three words* I love you, Brady. *then she headed back inside, looking for Pete*

Bonnie: That kid is copying me. *chuckles*

Bern: She isn't wearing a mask.

Bonnie: You know, I like you this way as an idiot.

Brice: *chuckles and pats Bern on the back*

Brady: *sighs* Lets just hope this works...

--Later, inside...--

*Anne started walking down the halls, thinking of ways to seduce the "King". But she had to think fast because she must be getting close. Actually, she doesn't really know where his room is, or where he is now, so she had to ask Clarabelle, which she found on the way down the hall*

Anne: Oh! Clarabelle! I'm glad I caught you. Do you know where Pete is?

Clarabelle: He's in the throne room like always, but he's busy because he's discussing ways to execute the those musketeers. Oh, my poor Goof...

Anne: *she gasps silently but the. Takes her hands into her own* Don't you worry Clarabelle. I promise you, I will not let that happen. I'll make sure that Goofy will be safe, for your sake. And thank you. Wish me luck! *she she says this, she heads off to the throne room*

Clarabelle: Please be careful...

--In the throne room...--

*from outside the throne room, Anne could hear Pete ranting on how Mickey, Donald and Goofy were to be executed. She took a few deep breaths before knocking at the doors*

Anne: [Ok, girl... You can do this...]

Pete: Who's there?! Can't you see I'm busy?!

Anne: *takes a deep breath and gulps before opening the door, letting her head peek in* King Pete?
Can I come in?

Pete: *his eyes widen* Why sure, sweet cheeks.

Anne: *sighs silently before stepping inside, closing the door behind her* Good, I was wondering where you were... *she said in a sultry-like voice*

Pete: Eh?

*Mickey Donald and Goofy were making disgusted expressions*

Anne: Well... *she walked over* I got lonely, so I came here. Plus, I wanted to talk to you about some things... *she looked at him with sweet eyes. All in good acting*

Pete: *purrs* And what would those things may be?

Anne: Hm... *she stopped and leaned against one of the armrests of the throne, climbing on and sat down on one of them, glancing back at him* Since I accepted your offer of becoming queen, there was one thing you didn't mention...

Pete: What's that, sweet cheeks?

Anne: *she closed her eyes halfway and bit her own lip in a grin* When we would be wed...

Pete: *grins* So you wanna wed as soon as possible? What's with the whole attitude, I thought you were too shy to ask?

Anne: Well, I had time to think about it over breakfast, and at first I was nervous about it. But now? *she leaned against him, her head tilted to the side* Now I'm more comfortable with the whole thing. *she smirks*

Pete: Hehe, why don't we wed next week? How about that sweet cheeks?

Anne: *pretends to make pouty lips* Oh, but I don't think I can wait till next week, Kitty... Why not today?

Pete: How about tomorrow, sweet cheeks?

Anne: Hm... Is there anything important going on today? Does it have to be tomorrow? *she purred as she reached up and started to scratch behind his ears*

Pete: I have to get rid of these chowderheads first, sweet cheeks  and there is a lot planning to do for the wedding.

Anne: *she blinks then turns her head to the three musketeers with a worried look on her face, then she thinks of any option to see if she could get their necks out of deaths welcoming arms. Calming her moods again, she turned to face Pete again* Well... Why not tomorrow morning? That way, you can have a whole day to think about the wedding, Hm?

Pete: Deal, sweet cheeks.

Anne: Hm. *she giggles, giving him a small peck on the cheek* Glad you'd see it my way... So, until tomorrow, Kitty Cat... *she gets off and walks to the door* Oh, and, by the way... It's Anne-Marie. Remember that when we wed. *she grinned as she blew a kiss before she left the room quickly. As soon as she was outside the throne room, she made a gagging sound and pointed at her mouth, feeling more disgusted than she's ever been*

*Anne saw Brice with an expression similar to hers*

Brice: "Kitty Cat"?!?! *almost vomits*

Anne: Trust me, I wish I could vomit too. But, hey, I had to say SOMETHING to get him to decide on the day... Oh! Where's Clarabelle?

Brice: Oh, in there. *he pointed towards the door When the beagle opened it, he discovered Bern and Bonnie lying on each other*

Bern: Brice! *his face turns red* W... What are you doing here?

Anne: *blinks a few times, confused. Then she shook her head, forgetting what she saw* Where's Clarabelle? I need to talk to her.

Bonnie: Oh, she's in the room over. *points to another door*

Anne: Oh thank you! *she heads over to the next room and sees Clarabelle* Clarabelle! I've got good news.

Clarabelle: How did it go, Anne?

Anne: Great, I've never been more grossed out in my life... *she shudders as she remembers every detail* I am never seducing men like him ever again... Anyway! I convinced him to have the musketeers "executed" tomorrow morning. So, what I'm thinking is maybe a jailbreak for the musketeers. That way, you and Goofy and be together!

Clarabelle: Oh, that's great! But how do we break them out of the dungeon? We're just ladies, we aren't that strong as men.

Brice: But I know one female who can be a match for a man.

*both ladies gave him a confused look*

Anne: And who would that be? Bonnie?

Brice: Precisely, she even managed to throw Pete down the stairs when he first met her.

Anne: Wow...

Clarabelle: That does sound smart, but where would we get the dungeon's keys?

Anne: ... Darn, I should've thought of that...

Brice: Let Bern handle that with his cross dressing skills.

Anne: Ok. So, tonight, we break them out, we hide them in one of the rooms until tomorrow, then when Pete's not looking, we sneak them out. And if he asks where they are, just say that either they ran away, small rats got to them first, or they were "banished". Anyone have any questions?

Brice and Clarabelle: Sure!

Brice: Now we have one problem.

Anne: And what's that?

Brice: Convincing Bern and Bonnie to actually go with the plan.

Anne: I'm sure we can convince them! Right?

Clarabelle: Well, there's gotta be some conditions she'd be willing to attach if she does go along with it.

Anne: Oh your right...

Brice: Like what?

Anne: I don't know, I'll ask her now. *she leaves the room and heads back over to the room Bonnie and Bern are in, Brice and Clarabelle following* Bonnie, we came up with a plan, and we might need yours and Bern's help on this.

Bern: For Pete's sake, why do you keep coming to this room when things get heated up here?

Anne: *is now creeped out* Uh... Ok... Look, I convinced Pete to "get rid" of the musketeers tomorrow morning, so I'm thinking of a jailbreak tonight and hide them until tomorrow while Pete's not looking. And we may need both of your help.

Bern: What? That duck punched me in the face and the mouse nearly killed me! Also they threw me out of the window of a 85 FLOOR BUILDING.

Anne: Actually that was a 90 floor tower. And trust me, they'll be gone before Pete knows it. And besides, if you help us, I'll be sure to reward you guys after.

Bonnie: *she sprang up from her chair* What kind of reward?

Anne: Anything you'd like. But only if it's necessary!


Anne: Anything.

Bonnie: Then it's a deal.

Anne: Ok, good! That means were all in an agreement! Anyone have questions about the plan? *notices that she hasn't seen Brady yet* Wait, where's Brady?

Bonnie: Stormed off to the roof.

Anne: What? The roof?! What for?

Bern: Probably was disgusted by the whole "Kitty" thing. Yuck!

Anne: Oh... He heard about that? *she sighs* I'm going to find him... *she leaves the room and goes outside to find Brady. She looked on each roof but couldn't see him* Brady! Where are you?

Brady: *vomits* Uhhh...

*hearing the retching noise, she turned and saw him on the roof next to her. Quickly she climbed up and hurried to him* Are you alright? I'm terribly sorry if you heard about what happened earlier... I had to say something!

Brady: *vomits again* *cough* You think I'm disgusting right?

Anne: *sits next to him, placing a hand over his back, giving him a comfortable smile* No. I never said you were.

Brady: I'm just tired of this farce. Why can't we all have normal lives...?

Anne: ... I don't know. If I hadn't showed up, none of this would've happened.

Brady: No it's not your fault. If only I hadn't botched the job in the first place...

Anne: No, that can't have been your fault either...

Brady: Then who's bloody fault is it?!

Anne: *she looked at him shocked, then glanced down* Well, I think that might've been Bern's fault, but not the point. I think the point is, if none of this ever happened... Then I never would've met you.

Brady: No... If I didn't meet you then I wouldn't have been that happier in my life to have you... *leans closer*

Anne: *she blushes* Brady... *she leans closer to him*

*Brady's lips gently touch hers*

*Anne couldn't help but give in to tenderness of that kiss and she leaned closer to him, so now they were shoulder to shoulder, and hand in hand. But that didn't break their kiss, thank goodness*

*Brady's hands began to travel down her spine and one of them wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to deepen the kiss*

*this made Anne sigh blissfully as she let her arms wrap around his neck, her cheeks flushed a darkened red*

*Finally both broke the kiss panting heavily*

Anne: *her face completely red, she stared into Brady's eyes, she loved how he's blushing*

Brady: *he suddenly kissed her again more roughly*

Anne: *surprised at his gesture, she kissed him back at the same movement, her hands grasping at his shoulders*

Brady: *his hands massage her back and he took off his cape*

Anne: *blushes hard as a faint moan escapes her lips as she let her hair down*

*Brady kept kissing her while he took off her apron*

*Anne couldn't help but notice that one of her hands started to massage at his neck while her other took off his gloves*

*Brady starts to unbutton her dress, slightly grumbling while getting it off*

*quickly Anne stopped for a second and moved her lips to his neck, nibbling on it*

*Brady moaned and started massaging Anne's chest*

*Anne moaned and arched her small hips against him*

*Brady grasped her skirt and pulled it off*

Anne: *pulling away from his throat, she kissed him again, looking him in the eyes* Brady...

Brady: If I hurt you, you can tell me to stop... *he traveled down to her thighs*

Anne: *breathing heavily, she nodded, letting him do as he pleases* A-Alright...

Brady: *takes off his pants and pushes himself gently inside*

Anne: *she silently gasps and grasps his arms, squeezing them as he entered* Ngh...!

Brady: Do you want me to stop?

Anne: No! No no no, I'm fine... Just... Please go slow... *she blushes so much that her face is red and her gaze seemed too sweet*  Please...

Brady: *nods and goes slower but after a few moments of sweet, tenderness, he started to go a little faster with each thrust*

Anne: *as each re-entry was taken in, she tried not to make any noises that anyone else could hear, but she only prevailed to small moans and groans. This made her reach behind him and place her hands over his back, and dug her fingers on his skin, beckoning him to go further* B-Braaady!~

Brady: Ah...! *Groan* Anne!! *He started to go faster and faster*

Anne: A- Aaaaah~! Brady, I-- *before she could finish her sentence, she could feel her insides tighten as she came close, making her moan aloud*

Brady: Scream my name if you do...

Anne: *she nodded, feeling that she was about to reach her limit and she threw her head back, screaming out his name as she came* BRAADYYYYYYYYYYY~!

Brady: A... Aneeee~ *he pulled out of her and fell next to her, breathing hard*

Anne: *when he exited, she felt an emptiness as she shuddered and curled her small body, holding herself close*

Bonnie: So, did you two enjoy yourselves? *she pops up on the roof*

*both of them were startled quickly, making Anne jump in surprise, and cover up quickly by using Brady's cape*

Anne: B-Bonnie! *covers up* Where... How- How long were you listening? *she blushes madly*

Bonnie: Long enough.

*Bern pops up behind Brady*

Bern: You know, I just had a major nosebleed from you two.

Brady: *his face completely red of embarrassment, he shoves him to Bonnie* What the hell, guys?! We don't spy on YOU when you're having a moment with someone you love!

Anne: *her face still red, she finds her dress and covers herself with that, and gives him his cape to cover himself up*

Bonnie: That's because we don't do it above somebody's bedroom! I couldn't sleep with those sounds.

Anne: Ó\\\\\Ò Y-You could actually HEAR that from... Oh my...

Bern: First, I didn't mind but then came the screaming names and moaning that made me nosebleed...

Anne: *a realization hit her and she gasps* ... Oh my God... I hope Pete didn't hear that...

Bern: Oh god if he did, he'd have your heads!

Bonnie: If he did then... *grabs a pistol* We can't let that happen.

Anne: Whoa, Bonnie hold on! I said IF! IF he heard, then were in trouble. Let's just assume that he didn't...

Bonnie: Aw, too bad. *hides her pistol*

Anne: *she sighs* Clarabelle wasn't in the same room as you when... You know... Happened, right?

Bonnie: Thank god she wasn't.

Anne: Good... *she shudders* Oh, we should all get inside, quick! Before someone else sees us...

Bonnie: You guys go ahead. Me and Bern will stay behind.

Anne: Alright...

Brady: Be careful, you two...

*the two get off the roof and head inside quickly*

Bonnie: *takes  out her sword* Let's settle this then...

Bern: *takes out his sword and points at her* Now that we're alone...

--Meanwhile, inside--

*Both Anne and Brady were dressed and sitting in the room with Brice. Neither of the two lovers didn't say a word about their little "escapade" earlier. So they all waited for Bern and Bonnie to get back*

--On the roof--

*Bern swiped his sword recklessly at Bonnie while she dogged it only by a hair*

Bonnie: you are really out of practice *kicks him in the stomach*

Bern: Ugh... *he slid along the roof from her kick* Heh... And you still haven't lost your touch, Le Bon.

Bonnie: Come at me... *points her sword at him* If you dare!

Bern: *she sneers, pointing his blade at her* Oh, I will. *as he says it, he runs at her quickly, thrusting his blade forward for a sure strike*

*Bonnie quickly jumps, avoiding the blade and was ready to strike behind his back*

*Bern turned and deflected her blade, standing close under tight guard*

Bern: You sure know how to put up a good fight.

Bonnie: Heh. *she twisted his sword and kissed him making him drop his blade*

Bern: *as he drops the blade, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer to him*

*Bonnie savagely began to nip on his lip, drawing blood*

Bern: *he groans and grabs Bonnie's wrists, making her drop her sword, and pin her down on the roof*

Bonnie: Acting rough, are we? *nibbles on his neck*

Bern: *groans and takes off his cape, removing hers soon after*

Bonnie: *takes off his shirt, stroking his chest*

Bern: *looks down at her, smirking as he leaned down and began to kiss her roughly, one hand massaging at her lower back while the other took off her shirt*

Bonnie: I missed this... *she began unbuttoning his pants, and taking off his gloves*

Bern: *he grins and kisses her while his hands were massaging her chest* So. Did. I...

Bonnie: *she began to take off her pants and pressed her hips near his*

Bern: *he licks his lips as he readies himself and roughly pushes himself inside*

Bonnie: *hisses in pain*

Bern: Do you want me to stop? *as he asks, he leans down and his hot breath makes contact with her neck*

Bonnie: No...*pant*... It's been a long time since we done this. Just don't make any noise...

Bern: ... No promises. *He said, trying his best to stay quiet as he re-enters again, groaning as his slow thrusts began to become faster, strong ones*

Bonnie: Faster... *she hisses under her breath*

*Bern groaned and lifts her up, slamming her against the wall*

Bern: *groans, one of his hands pulling through her hair*  Oh.... Oh, Le Bon...

Bonnie: *moan* Be quiet... *moan* We don't want anyone to hear us, do we? *strokes his cheek before French kissing him*

Bern: *restrains his noises but releases his pleasuring actions on her, French kissing her back*

Bonnie: *begins to tongue wrestle his tongue*

Bern: *does the same, and starts to go faster, and a little harder*

Bonnie: *her hands grasp his neck and her nails dig into it*

Bern: *grumbles as he comes close to a near finish by thrusting faster, lowering his head so he could whisper in her ear* Scream my name if you're ready~

Bonnie: I won't scream, you know. *moan*  I'll just groan it out. If you- *moan* -wanted me to scream, then I'll do the honor by making you deaf. *moan*

Bern: Heh... Then I'll finish for you... *as he says this, he makes a few more final thrusts, deep and hard until he came inside, groaning low and hard*

Bonnie: Gah! *pants* Well, that was fun... *licks her lips* We should do these kind of battles more~

Bern: *pants, chuckling shortly afterwards* Yeah... Heh... We should...


Brice: Oi, what's taking them so long?

Brady: How should I know?

Anne: If anything, they could be fighting on the roof, or-- *before she could say anything else, her ears picked up a soft sound from above them. She stayed silent of embarrassment*

Anne: Nevermind...
The entire fic was too long so I had to crop it down and make it to here. 

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Meganf123456's avatar
You know goofy and clarabelle situation reminds me of the song I will be there