
Forbidden Blood Lust pt. 1

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Forbidden Blood Lust

Brice: Ahhh, *yawn* What a night! That girl I met was so tasty!

Bern: Huh, the girl I met, though, her blood didn't taste that appetizing. Not even close for a jealous type.

Brady: That's nothing. The one I bit dumped his girlfriend *snaps his fingers* like that.

Bonnie: I'm home! *yawns* I gotta say, the blood of that duchess tasted like sweet honey. Did you hear that a new girl moved into town?

Brice: Not until just now, no.

Brady: Sounds interestin, but I'm pretty full from my meal. *snickers*

Bonnie: This is serious! We need to gather more information about these  humans so we can suck more blood. I also heard this baker girl knows everything about EVERYONE in the town.

Brice: Everyone, you say? Well, sounds like an appetizing snack. *he chuckles*

Bern: True. And I'm still hungry!

Bonnie: So one of use must talk to her.

Bern: How about Brady? He looks like a ladies' man.

Brady: Me? No way. Besides, you heard me earlier. I've had my snack.

Bonnie: Not snack, you idiot. All you need to do is gather information about her.

Brady: Sorry, but no means no. And I won't be doing this.


Brady: I can't believe I'm doing this...

Bern: Sorry Brady, but we're more scared of Bonnie than your rage.

Brady: *sighs* Fine. But you'll owe me later... *as he said this, he heads out*

Brady: Stupid Bern, stupid Bonnie, stupid Brice, stupid EVERYTHING! *as he screams he bumps into a beautiful mouse who was holding a basket* Argh! *he rubs his head*

*as they ran into each other, the mouse rubbed her backside as she landed on it. Before she knew it, she saw Brady and her eyes widened*

Anne: *gasps* Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry! *stands up and holds out her hand to him* Are you alright?

Brady: *blushes* [Why am I blushing?]  Uh, yeah I'm ok... *he accepts Anne's hand but feels his blood increasing* [What is this? Why am I...? Could it be?]

Anne: I am so sorry, usually I don't travel at night like this... I just ran out of ingredients for my shop and I was on my way to get some more, and well... Now, here I am.

Brady: Uh... N... No problem. Ah, why don't I help you carry your supplies?

Anne: Oh, I don't mean to impose... I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I don't mean to waste your time.

Brady: No no no, I'm perfectly free!

Anne: *takes this into consideration, then nods* Hm... Well, alright. If you're sure.

Brady: Yes! *takes the basket*


Bonnie: Looks like he earned her trust...

Brice: Of course he as. Oi, even if he didn't, he's still a ladies man. *nudges Bern*

Bern: *chuckles*

Bonnie: Hm, I'm still hungry... Hey... What does vampire blood taste like?

Bern: *shrugs* How should I know?

Brice: Oi, don't get any ideas. Vampires can't take the blood of another.

Bonnie: But what if I have a little taste of one of your's blood?

Brice: Oi, count me out. I'm sure Shorty would love to volunteer.

Bern: Uh... *blushes* Sure! G-Go right ahead!

Bonnie: You sure? Alright. *she leans closer and unbuttoned Bern's cape, breathing down his neck*

Bern: *blushes as the feeling of her warm breath creeped onto his skin. Then he placed his arms over her back, pulling her closer*
*Bonnie leans to the flesh and bites it HARD*

Bern: *he gasps and holds tighter, shutting his eyes*

Bonnie: *starts slowly sucking*

Bern: *starts to calm down and breathes lightly, placing a hand on the back of her head*

Bonnie: *pulls away with blood dripping from the corners of her mouth* That was... Sweet.

Bern: *blushing, he chuckles nervously* Y-Yeah... So um... How was it?

Bonnie: Really sweet. But slightly sour. Hmm... *glares at Brice* Maybe I need to try another one.

Brice: *his eyes widen* Oh, no way, nuh-uh. Count me out!

*Brice prepares to run out the door, but Bonnie pounces on him*

Brice: Ahh! Get off me!

Bonnie: Nope. *leans closer to neck*



Brady: ... Your house is really pretty.

Anne: *she giggles* Well, it's not much, but it's all I got.

Brady: ...So, where do you come from and do you have a family?

Anne: Well, I moved here from London. Very beautiful place, and the people are nice there too. As for family, I'm... I don't talk to them as much because they all have their own lives to take care of... My mother's sick, so I try sending best of wishes to her so she can feel better. My father is dedicated in his work so he can try to help her too. And don't even get me started on my brothers...

Brady: Huh... Brothers... Yeah, I know what it's like to have brothers.

Anne: Really? How many do you have?

Brady: Well, I have one brother who is my twin and a french cousin.

Anne: Oh. Lucky, I have 5 brothers, one of them is the oldest. Unfortunately, I'm the youngest in the family.

Brady: Heh, I have a spanish friend who is a girl and she's the youngest of all four of us. But she is the matriarch of the house.

Anne: Ah. She sounds lovely. *she smiles* I'll have to meet her sometime.

Brady: You don't want to do that... She's pretty feisty.

Anne: Oh, I'm sure she's nice!

Brady: I wish...

Anne: Why? Is she not that nice when you're at the house?

Brady: Trust me, she's a total nightmare. Like a hungry, vengeful from hell beast, ruthless cunning evil from hell beast, cruel but WEIRDLY ATTRACTIVE.

Anne: *she giggles* Ok, I get the point. You know... You seem pretty nice, um... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Brady: Uh, Brady... Brady Beagle.

Anne: Brady... Hm. I like it. *she smiles*

Brady: *blushes* ...Thanks...

--Meanwhile back at the house--

*Bonnie, Bern and Brice are sitting on a couch drinking more blood.
Bonnie: Ahh, I must say Brice, your blood tastes so sour.

Brice: *glares at her* That's why you don't take blood from other vampires. You never know what it'll taste like!

Bonnie: But Bern's tasted sweet. And after all Brady revealed many things to the girl about us.

Brice  *spits out drink* What?!?! That little sh$t!

Bern: Oh, he's gonna be in for a serious beating when he gets back. Or better yet he should stay out till morning.

Bonnie: My bats are really pissed off right now and-- *one of the bats flew over and told her something she didn't want to hear. Bonnie gripped her cup and broke it* THAT SON OF A- HIJO DE PUTA!!
*she started cursing in spanish*

Bern: ... That can't be good...

Brice: What is it?

Bonnie: If he will get close to that girl then he might blow our cover... *she calmed down but said that darkly*

Bern: Oh. Wait, what?! You don't mean he's--

Bonnie: Exactly, mi amigo and we must prevent her from knowing our secret.

Brice: Maybe she won't.

Bonnie: Bern, why don't you pay her a "visit"?

Bern: *chuckling darkly, he cracks his knuckles, standing up* Will do.

Bonnie: Make sure she'll learn her lesson.

Brice: Oi, hang about, why not just erase her memories if he told her our secret?

Bonnie: Wait, we can't do that yet. First let Bern do his thing.

Brice: What do you expect him to do? Bite her?

Bonnie: I want to see her reaction to vampires. I want her to FEEL it, sinter it.

Bern: Heh, this'll be fun. *as he says this, he heads out*

*At the shop, Brady already left. He and Annie talked about a lot of things and soon became close friend over night. But he couldn't help but feel warm and safe when he was around her. He smiled at the thought and flew over the moon...*


*Bern was wearing his cape and his face was not seen when he entered the shop*

Anne: Oh? *she turned and greeted the mysterious stranger* Hello, welcome to the bakery! How may I assist you?

Bern: I want something to drink...

Anne: Well, all I have here is water. If you want, I can get you some.

Bern: Don't worry, after all you'll do for my taste...

Anne: Wha-? Wait a minute, if you're here just to get with me, then you've come to the wrong place, buster.

Bern: *chuckles* Sorry, but I've already got a girlfriend. *licks lips* I'm just doing my job. After all, Bonnie won't be satisfied if I come empty handed.

Anne: Bonnie...? Oh! You must be Brady's cousin!

Bern: Heh, so he told you about us eh? So... *gets closer to her* ... How much did he tell you about us?

Anne: Um... Well, not much... He told me what it's like to have brothers, his twin and you, his cousin. And how Bonnie's the matriarch of the house... I mean, I have 5 brothers, imagine living with 5 brothers for most of your life.

Bern: *leans close like he was going to kiss her* You talk too much... *Bites her neck*

Anne: *her eyes widen as he bit her, which made her scream*

*From the distance, Brady heard the scream and rushed back to the bakery, but he was too late. He saw Anne lying on the floor unconscious with Bern holding her while blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

Bern: Bonjour Brady... *both were silent*

Brady: *seeing Anne unconscious in Bern's arms and blood trickling from her neck made him mad, he glared at Bern, his teeth bared* WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, BERN?

Bern: Dinner... I was hungry.

Brady: You could've chosen another person! Plus, you said you already ate! Wait... Bonnie sent you, didn't she?!

Bern: Desperate matters had to be done, how did you know?

Brady: Cuz I know Brice wouldn't send you. And I noticed you weren't at the house when I got back.

Bern: Heh, so what brings you here?

Brady: I heard a scream, so I came back.

Bern: You really care about a human?

Brady: Wha? No! I just wanted to know where that came from! Now, since you bit her, you have to erase her memories of what just happened!

Bern: Already did. But anyway, why are you so open to her? *he let's go of Anne, making her fall on the floor*

Brady: *with great speed, he quickly catches her* Bonnie said to gather information, not take her blood. What'd you think I told her? About us vampires??

Bern: Maybe. *Licks his lips* Although she was pretty jealous. *Brady notices teeth marks on Bern's neck*

Brady: Jealous of what? *sees the bite marks on his neck* Oi, where'd you get that? And would you really think that I'm dumb enough to give away our biggest secret?

Bern: Uh, I don't know because your STUPID enough to fall in love and Bonnie bit me.

Brady: *his face turns red* What makes you think I'd fall for a human?? And isn't that wrong to take another vampires blood?

Bern: I have no idea, but nevermind! I'm bringing this human to our place, Bonnie said that she needs to "inspect" her. *before Brady could protest, Bern shot out of the roof grabbing Anne and flying off to the distance*

Brady: Oi, wait up! *he yelled, flying out of the roof after him*

--At the house--

Bonnie: She is indeed beautiful. No wonder Brady liked her...

Brady: I-I don't like her! *he blushes*

Brice: Oh, shut up, Brad...

Bonnie: So this is the girl who can change our fate...

Bern: How can you tell?

Bonnie: Oh I can, after all, I didn't become this house's matriarch for nothing.

Brice: Oi, how can a simple human change our fates?

Bonnie: Because she's no ordinary human. She's special.

Brady: How special?

Bonnie: You'll see when you two get close.

Brady: *he blushes*

Bern: You mean when she falls for him?

Brice: What do you think, dummy?

Bern: But why HIM of all people?

Brice: Don't ask me something I wouldn't know.

Bonnie: What's wrong Bern? Jealous of your own blood?

Brice and Brady: Pffffff GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  She got you well Shorty!

Bern: Hmph! Well, I for one, am not the one who's jealous, because I tasted it in this girls blood.

Bonnie: By the way, what was she jealous about?

Bern: *shrugs* Hell, if I'd know... Maybe she was jealous of what it's like to have brothers.

Bonnie: Hmm. Hey Brice, why don't you taste her blood?

Brice: Me? Well... *he grins* Let's give this a go, shall we?

Bern: Fine. But be careful if she wakes up, because she almost punched me in the face last time.

Anne: *slightly stirs a little, still asleep*

Brice *holds her still as he leans down and bites her*

Bern: So, how does she taste?

Brice: *looks up at Bern* Honestly? *he swallows a bit of her blood, the remains left on both sides of his lips* Sweet. She's terribly honest.

Bern: So, what happens to her now that you sucked that out?

Brice: Now, hehe, she'll be a liar for a temporary time.

Bonnie: Maybe I'll give a taste as well.

Brice: Oi, be my guest. She's all yours, just make sure to try and not wake her up.

Bonnie: *nods and leans to her neck breathing on it*

Anne: *shudders a little, her eyes flutter slightly*

Bern: *whispers* Do it, now!

Bonnie: *quickly bites her*

Anne: *a gasp came from her and her eyes widened, but she couldn't see anything. It was like she was hallucinating. Then a second passed and her eyes closed as she calmed down*

Brady: *he had a feeling of regret for her. He liked her, yet most of her blood was being tasted by the rest of the Beagles. Then he began to worry inside; what if he was to try next*

Bonnie: She'll be miserable for the rest of her life.

Brady: WHAT?!?!

Bonnie: Just kidding~ Sheesh, you do like her, don't you?

Brady: *blushes, glancing away* N-No... You know I don't like humans... In fact, vampires are enemies to humans! So why should I like her?

Bonnie: Then prove it... By biting her.

Brady: *he stared blankly in utter shock* B-Bite her? But... *he paused, trying to think of a good excuse not to* But I already ate, so I don't want to.

Bonnie: I already ate as well and sucked blood from both Bern and Brice, so I'm fine with it. So come on! *shoves Brady's head to Anne's neck*

Brady: *stops* Oi, will you stop pushing me?

Bern: If you're not gonna do it...

Brice: -- Then that means you DO like her.

Brady: Why are you people so concerned about my FEELINGS!!!!

Brice: Oi, does it look like we were born yesterday? We all know that your blood preference is love.

Bern: And your worried about taking that away from her.


Brice: *shakes his head, chuckling* If you care that much, fine.

Bern: But if you don't want to, we could always bite her again...

Brice: That sweet taste of blood... You don't even want to try a little?

Brady: Shut the bloody hell up! *he grabs Annie's body and flew off to his room*

Bonnie: *eyes darken* You didn't erase her memory, did you Bern?

Bern: *chuckle* Yes. I lied to him~

Brice: *he glared at Bern* You idiot! You KNOW you're suppose to erase the memories of those you bite after they've been bitten! Do you know what would happen if she wakes up and remembers ALL that happened here?

Bern: That's the plan, Brice. We want to see what would happen if one human knew about our existence.

Brice: *he finally understands* Ooooh, right! And plus... *licks his lips* I took away her honesty...

Bern: Exactly and her jealousy is gone.

Bonnie: Now all we have to do is wait and see.

In Brady's room: *Brady placed Anne on his bed*

Anne: *lays motionless, still breathing, but unconscious*

Brady: Gee... *moves a couple strands of hair away from her face* You do look pretty... 0//0

Anne: *stirs a little, her head turned to the side. From his point of view, he could see the bite marks from Bern and Brice, and the blood there too*

Brady: Darn it, I gotta clean that up. *he takes a wet cloth and attempts to wash the blood off*

Anne: *feeling the wet cloth on her skin, her eyes snapped open and made her sit up quickly, gasping for air*

Brady: Ahhhh!!! *he dropped the wet cloth with blood smeared on it* Oh, you're awake!

Anne: *panting slightly, she looked around, taking in her surroundings then she stopped at Brady* Y-You... Brady! Am I dreaming here? W-Where am I?

Brady: Umm... Yeah! This is a dream, haha... *laughs awkwardly*

Anne: *she looks confused* If this is a dream... Then if I pinched myself right now, would I feel it? *she then noticed the bloody cloth* W-What's that...?

Brady: Uh... *hides it* Nothing...

Anne: *looking at him confusingly and uncertainly, she feels something trickle down her neck* What the heck... *she reaches to touch it and brings it back to eye-view, seeing that it's blood. Her eyes widened* Is... Is this... My blood?

Brady: It's not what you think! A guy attacked you and struck your neck, so I came and saved you!

Anne: *feels her neck again* ... then why do I have multiple marks on both sides? *then she realizes that there are two marks each together* Wait... These... These are bite marks...

Brady: Oh, yeah while I was fighting the guy, his dog bit you, haha...

Anne: Wait... I remember... After you left, someone else came in the shop... It was your cousin, I believe... Though I couldn't see his face; his cloak was covering him. He came close and he asked me what you told me. After I explained, he said I talk too much and... *her eyes widened as she realized what those marks on her neck was* He... Bit me...

Brady: It's not what you think! It's just a dream- wait... So Bern didn't erase your memory. THAT LYING SON OF A-

Anne: Erase my memory? *she tried to stand up but she staggers, due to blood loss* Ugh... Why-- Why would he... *she gasps* No. Now I know... Your cousin... Your brother, Bonnie... And you. Your'e all...

*Before Annie could say the word, Brice knocked her unconscious again*

Brice: Oi that was close.

Brady: What the hell, Brice?!

Brice : *winks* So she nearly found out, eh?

Brady: Yeah. Oi, why didn't Bern erase her memories?!

Brice: Because it's a test prepared for her. Or because he just wants to mess around.

Brady: Prepared? What do you mean?

Brice: Tch, how should I know? Bonnie planned all of this. In the meantime, you better bandage her wound.

Brady: Oh! Right! *he hurries out and gets a cloth and bandage, hurries back and tends to her bite marks on her neck*

Brice: *sighs and sits on a couch nearby* So... How's it been going for you two? Did she take it well?

Brady: Well, what do you think? She looked shocked when she figured it out herself. And she was about to say what we were until you knocked her out!

Brice: Oi, my fist really hurt when I hit her. I think she is really stubborn by the looks of it...

Brady: ... Oi, wait a minute, what gave you the right to hit the lady?

Brice: Oi, look at you, you never cared if I hit girls except this one.

Brady: You remember what I said earlier. I like her, ok?!

Brice: Oi!

Bern and Brice: Lady and Brady sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~

Brady: Sh-Shut up! Besides... I don't think she told me her name... *he blushes*

Brice: Yes she diiiiiid!

Brady: *remembers* Oh... Right.

*Anne starts to wake up and sees three vampires laughing.*

Anne: *rubs her head* Oh... Ow, my head... Huh? *she sees the three of them and she makes a startled noise* V-Vampires!

Bern: Not again!

Brice: *prepares to hit her with his boot, but Bern snatches it away*

Bern: You know you'll kill her if you keep hitting her like that!

Anne: *she looks confused and yet still startled* Wh-Why... Why'd you bite me?? *she looked to Bern* And why am I here?

Bern: You know if you talk too much, you might pass out again after so much blood loss.

Anne: *she breathed out, reaching to touch her neck again, only to feel the bandage* Wha... Just how much blood did you take?

Bern: Well you were bit by 3 vampires and I guess we took away your happiness, jealousy and honesty for a short period of time.

Anne: 3? You mean all three of you? But I thought there four of you...? Or was I mistaken?

Bern: Nope, because SOMEBODY likes you and doesn't want to bite you.

Anne: Then... Who didn't bite me?
*she had a strange feeling that she was getting a cold stare from behind her, so she turned and saw Brady* You... You didn't bite me?

Brady: Y... Yeah.

Bern: He's been interested in you.

Brady: Wha- N-No!

Bern: *whispers* He loves you.

Brady: NO. I never bloody loved her and never will!!!

Anne: *watching them bicker made her giggle* Well, if he likes me, I like him too. So maybe we can start off as friends?

Bern: OH my god, this can't be happening! *starts jumping on the bed*

Brice: Ô_Ò

Anne: Wait... Did you say that my happiness, jealousy and honesty was gone? So those... Those must be your blood preferences, right?

Bern: So you do know about us vampires.

Anne: Well... Of course. I've read about them in my younger years, but I thought they disappeared a long time ago.

Bern: Well, they didn't.

Brice: You're looking at them right now.

Anne: Right... I wonder which ones your blood pref.'s... *realizes there's only three in the room* Wait... Wasn't there 4 of you? I know none of you look like a Bonnie.

Bern: T... That's none of your business! Why are you interested in her anyway? We're at least merciful but Bonnie is a total nightmare.

Brice: *cringes*

Anne: Hm... I'm guessing she's the one who took my happiness. Either her or you.

Bern: Well, she did. So I guess we better give you a tour.

Anne: Um... Sure! But, isn't it getting close to sunrise?

Brice: Oi, don't worry. our house prevents any sunlight coming in.

Anne: How, though? Do you keep dark curtains up? Or do you cover the windows?

Bern: We have an invisible barrier. From the outside, it may look that light is coming in our house. But actually, our house is always dark.

Anne: I see... And, may I ask, how long have you guys lived here? If that doesn't sound to personal to ask.

Brice: About 10,000 years. We never age.

Anne: T-Ten th-- *her eyes widened, her mouth opened agape in surprise* Wow... That's a long time! It seems like forever, huh?

Bern: We barely notice. It's just another boring day for us.

Anne: Really?

Brice: Yeah... Day after day goes by, and all we do is either sleep or go out to eat.

Bern: You got that right, Rice. *he chuckles*

Brice: *he glares at Bern* What the hell did you just call me?!

Brady: Pff, "Rice"...

Bern: *snickers* You and "Bread" should be eaten while "Bonbon"'s packed up in a candy wrapper.

Brice and Brady: Oi, shut up!

Bern: I can't help it if your names mean food.

Brady: Fine...

Brice: *grins*

Brice and Brady: Bernadette. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Bern: ... Oh, if that's how you like it then, *tears his cape off revealing a dress* Brice, I always loved you! *jumps on his lap* Now kiss me.

Brice: *looks disgusted, pushing him off* Uh, how about no?

Bern: Then stop calling me lady names! *he jumps on Brady* So how about you?

Brady: Uh... No.

Anne: *she giggles* you three are just funny!

*Bonnie entered the room and yawns as the sun rises.*

Bonnie: What's with all the racket?

Anne: Oh! You must be Bonnie! The fourth vampire living here, I assume.

Bonnie: Ah, Anne-Marie, I presume!

Anne: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am! How did you know?

Bonnie: My bats tell me everything.

Anne: Oh, well that's a surprise... I didn't know bats COULD talk.

Bonnie: They don't, but vampires can communicate with them.

Anne: Huh... *yawns* I see...

Bonnie: Why are you so sleepy?

Anne: Huh? Oh, I uh... I just think it's getting late, that's all... And plus, I don't even know what time it is... Ah! I gotta get back to my shop soon, I'm suppose to be open at 8:00...

*Brice blocks her path and all the door and windows close shut*

Bonnie: Whoa whoa whoa, who told you you could leave so easely knowing our little secret?

Anne: *nervously steps back* Uh... Um, who says I'm not gonna keep it a secret?

Bonnie: We don't trust humans.

Bern: That's why-

Brice: ... We lock them up.

Anne and Brady: What!?

Anne: B-But why?

Bonnie: Don't you see? *the three vampires start to circle her* we don't trust you yet.

Anne: I get that, but... *before she could say another word, a bat flew at her face, which made her drop to the ground unconscious*

Brady: Will you please stop making her unconscious?!

Brice: Oi, at least I didn't hit her this time! And besides... She talks too much.

Bern: *throws his arms in the air* See? That's exactly what I said!

Brice: But that bat didn't make her go unconscious. Just sleep.

Bonnie: *yawn* Well the sun will rise soon. I guess we better go to our coffins...

Bern: True... *yawns*

Brice: Oi, s'been a long night, hasn't it?

Brady: Yeah, it has. But where do we put Anne?

Bonnie: You got me wrong Brady. YOU are going to stay up and guard her.

Brady: *blushes* M-Me? But why me?

Bonnie: Because I want you to.

Brady: *sighs* Fine... I'll keep an eye on her until the sun goes down again. And I'll put her in my room until then...

Bonnie: Yeah, you do that.

Brice: Yeah, have FUN with that, "Bread"...

Bern: *laughs*

Brady: Oh, shut up... *picks up Anne* You three get some rest.

Bonnie: See you tonight. *goes to her room*

Bern: *puppy eyes at Brice*

Brice: ... What? You're not going in my coffin.

Bern: But it got too small for me! Please?

Brice: *he huffs* Fine... But just this once. Then we gotta fix that coffin of yours...

Bern: Yay! *jumps on his shoulder* Let's go!

Brice: *he sighs and they both go to his room, while Brady was left with Anne*

Brady: Why am I always the one to do all the work?!

Anne: *turns a little, still asleep*


Bern: Wow, your coffin is BIG!

Brice: Yeah, whatever... Oi, Shorty! Quit taking up space! I'm getting squished here!!

Bern: I gotta warn you, I bite in my sleep. Goodnight~ *snores*

Brice: Oi... *falls asleep*


*Since Brady was assigned to watch Anne, he let her sleep on his bed while he watched her from sitting on his coffin*

Brady: *his eyes were all bloodshot and he had dark circles* *yawn* ... I'm so bored...

*then he noticed that the bandages on Anne's neck was still there*

Brady: Oh, right. I better get that off before it gets infected...

*Brady tried to peel them off carefully, but one of Anne's eyes opened which made him shriek in horror and fall back to his coffin*

Anne: *she blinks a few times before opening her eyes completely. She yawned and stretched her arms, and sat up*

*there was a tired and shocked Brady clutching his coffin looking at her*

Anne: *dazed, she looked around the room before yawning again, falling back onto the bed, and fell asleep again*

Brady: *sighs in relief* ...

*so, in another attempt, he tried to take the bandages off again. Succeeding in doing so, he got the bandages off carefully*

Brady: *looks at her neck* Tempting...

Anne: *turns to one side, facing the opposite direction from him, still frozen in her quiet slumber*

Brady: I'm so tired...

Anne: *there was a small noise that came from her but he couldn't make it out*

*sooner or later, he dozed off, sitting on his coffin against the bed she was laying on, his head laying back. Anne turned again, but this time she felt his head and gave it a gentle hug*

*Finally it was night time.*

*when night returned, Brady was the first to wake up. But when he noticed his head was being hugged, he carefully moved away so he wouldn't wake her up. After moving out of the way, he saw how she was sleeping. She looked peaceful. And... Somewhat cute...*

Brady: *blushes* [Gah! Quit blushing!]

--Meanwhile in Brice's room--

Brice: *snores* *begins to wake up but feels a slight pain on his neck*  Blood?

*he looks at Bern and sees blood at the corners of his lips*

Brice: ... DAMN IT, BERN!

Bern : *snores* Mmmm... Five more minutes, Mom...

Brice: Rgh... Bern, outta my coffin! It's night! *he opens his coffin lid and kicks him out of the coffin, then comes out after*

Bern: Owww. My butt hurts...

Brice: It's gonna hurt more if you bite me again!

Bern: .... You pervert ! *he ran out squealing like a girl*

Brice: Oh my god, you're an idiot, Bern. I DONT MEAN LIKE THAT!!

Bern: *cries from the other end of the hall* GAY PERVERT!

Brady: *hearing that, he didn't understand at first but he laughed a little*

Bonnie: What is going on here? Brice you pervert what were you doing?

Brice: I'm NOT a bloody PERVERT!!

Bern: *shouting from the end of the hall* Yes he is! He tried to "do it with me" in my sleep.

Brice: No, you BIT ME IN MY SLEEP!! IM gonna kick your butt when I find you!!

Anne: *the sudden commotion woke her up* Mm... Huh?

Bonnie: So how's the girl, Brady- OH! You look terrible.

Brady: Yeah, you told me to watch her, and I didn't get that much sleep over it...

Anne: *steps out if the room and sees Brady and Bonnie* Then you should've-- *yawns* --rested, Brady...

Bern: *runs Into the room and sees Brady* Pervert Rice.

Anne: *She gave him a confused look* There's perverted rice?

Bonnie: HAHAHAHA!!! Good one Bern. But seriously what happened?

Brice: *grumbles* He BIT me while I was sleeping, and so I kicked him and his rump outta my coffin!

Bern: *rubs his sore butt* It still hurts!

Brice: Hmph. You deserved it. And then I said it was gonna hurt more if he bit me again, and I meant I was gonna beat him. But he got the wrong bloody idea, and started calling me a bloody pervert!

Bern: But you are, Rice! You tried to rape someone before.

Anne: O_O||;  Uh... I think I'm gonna go back inside the room now...

Brice: Oi no you don't! *lifts her up and places her on his shoulder, her legs near his head and her head near his back*

Anne: Ah! Hey!! Put me down!! *she said as she started to kick, and pound her hands over his back*

Brice: You talk way to much, for a lady...

Anne: I-- What? Hey, what's THAT supposed to mean? I haven't talked much since I JUST woke up!

Brice: Oi, shut up.

Bern: She's scaring me Rice...

Brice: And you shut up, "Burner".

Anne: The only person I'm should be scared of right now is HIM!

Brady: Oi, put her down!

Brice: Burn Bern.
Bern: Why are you so cruel? *starts faking sobbing*

Brady: Oh, stop acting like a baby, and ey! She said, put. Her. Down. *he said, grabbing Anne from Brice's shoulder*

Brice: Oi, what are you doing?! *he grabs Anne's legs and tries to snatch her from Brady*

Anne: Ah- OW!! Hey! Please let goooo! Ow, owowowowowowowwwww!!

Brice: You guarded her all day! Time for us to have her! *pulls*

Anne: OUCH! Easy!!

Brady: No bloody way, I don't trust either of you with her! *pulls*

Anne: YEEEOW!!

Brice: Then, there is no choice. *grabs scissors*

Anne: *her eyes widen* WHAAAAT?!?!

Bern: *sigh* *jumps between the twins and lifts her bride style* I'll be taking her.

Anne: Ah! Hey! No you don't... *she glared at him, then reeled her arm back, sending it rocketing to his face as she punched him, making him drop her and run pass the three*

*As Anne ran a sharp blade nearly touched her neck making her stop*

Bonnie: Where do you think you're going?

Anne: *she stopped in her spot, not moving a muscle* B-Back to the room! Away from that... That, Brice man!

Bonnie: Why don't I take you to your room myself?

Anne: *she hesitates then nods* Y-Yes... I think that'd be best, thank you...

Bonnie: Good. *starts walking down the hallway* Maybe I should give you a tour around our mansion. So that room there... *she points at a rectangular door with a picture of a Cerberus on it* Brice's. *she opens the door and steps inside*

*Anne follows her inside and looks around* So... This is his room... And what made me uncomfortable about him is that I heard he nearly raped someone? Is that true?

Bonnie: No, Bern's just overreacting.
*Brady's room was a big dark room with bat curtains, black floor and a huge coffin like bed. His clothes were scattered around on the floor and pictures of ladies were hung on a special wall called "My girlfriend victims". He had a desk with papers scattered around*

Anne: *she sees the papers and walks to the desk* What are these?

Bonnie: Information and memories of his past deeds. We vampires easily   forget, so we put everything we do on a sheet of paper. *she grabs Anne and pulls her out of the room* Next room!

Anne: Wha! Ah, oh... Ok, then...

Bonnie: Ok so, here's Bern's room. *she opens a smaller door with a fancy drawing on it. The room seems much cleaner and neater. The curtains are black with cobwebs drawn in them, a small coffin like bed with curtains on it, a big wardrobe is standing near a shelf  with millions of dolls*

Anne: Huh... Uh, well... He must, uh... Certainly like dolls... *the look of the items made her uncomfortable*

*the dolls were all staring at her with their weird eyes until one of them moved *

Anne: Ah! What the...? One of them just moved...

Bonnie: Must be you're imagination. *opens Bern's closet and sees million stacks of dresses*  *face palms*

Anne: *looks in the closet and whistles low* Wow... He has a nice sense in clothes... I know that sounds weird but still...

Bonnie : ....It's not his clothes, you know. They come from Brice's victims, and he just gives the dresses to him.

Anne: Brice's v-victims...? So... These are theirs? Then why doesn't Bern have men's uniforms?

Bonnie: That's because we mostly suck blood from females. But we sew our clothes ourselves and Bern is really bad at sewing.

Anne: Oh... Wait, there was something I wanted to ask you, and I hope you can answer this: What is everyone's blood preference here?

Bonnie: Mine is happiness, Bern's is jealousy, Brice's is honesty while Brady's is love.

Anne: Wait... When three vampires bit me, and Brady didn't... Why didn't he bite me, if his blood preference is that?

Bonnie: I guess... He didn't want to break your heart or your boyfriend's.

Anne: What? My-- Oh? No no no, I don't have a boyfriend. I've rejected those who try and want to be. Like the stupid, and drunk ones...

*suddenly Bern jumps from the pile of dolls* I KNEW IT!!

Anne: AAAH!!! What the?! How long have you been listening?

Bern: Since the day you were born. *makes creepy eyes*

Anne: Uh... *she makes a creeped out look* Ok, now I find you more creepy...

Bern: Just kidding! Jeez, I'm just so bored.

Anne: Oh... Well, it is night time, don't you usually go out and have your... Um... Dinner?

Bonnie: We don't need that anymore, now that we have you...

Anne: *looks back to Bonnie* ... W-What?

Bonnie: Now, you're going to be our dinner forever.

Anne: *she blinks in horror as she backs away to the door* Wh-What?! No! But... What if I run out of blood??

Bonnie: You won't, because you're not just an ordinary human.

Anne: I... Wait, of course I am! Don't lie to me.

Bonnie: vampire don't lie...
Bern: That's why we chose you.

Anne: Chose me?

Brice: Oi, you see--

Bern: --We need you to survive. *all three vampires circle her*

Bonnie: Anyone wants to go first?

Brice: Well, I haven't had ANY blood since I woke up. And I'm STARVING!

Bern: Me too! I haven't eaten since FOREVER!!

Anne: But... It's only been one day...

Brice: Oi, shut up and get over here! *he grabs her by the arm*

Anne: Ow! Hey, easy on the grip!

Bern: Can I have her first? I haven't eaten since FOREVER~

Bonnie: You ate twice as much as the others and you sucked Rice's blood today. Aren't you full?

Bern: I have a big appetite.

Brice: Oi, I only bit her ONCE! So, why don't I go first, Bonnie can go next and then shorty can go last... *yanks Anne by the arm, bringing her close*

Bern: Damn hair! How long is it?!

Anne: What does my hair have to do with it?! And if you're trying to give me bruises by squeezing my arm, it's working.

Brice: That's good, because I LOVE bruises... *licks his lips*

Bern: Pervert...

Anne: *she shivers before giving in and turning her head, shutting her eyes and showed her neck* Fine! Just... Get it over with...

Brice: *chuckles and leans forward opening his mouth*

Anne: *she prepared for the worst for another bite from this vampire. But it made it a little more painful on her head when he tugged on her hair, making her head lean back a little so he could gain a little leverage in his dinner*

Brady: *comes out and punches Brice in the face*

Brice: *stumbles back* Gah-- Ow!! *glares at Brady, growling at him* You dare interrupt while I'm having dinner?

Brady: I'm NOT letting you feast on her! She's going to dry up like a leaf soon!

Bern: *sighs* Clearly you don't remember what Bonnie said. She's not a normal human, Brady. She's special.

Brady: How special?! What are you talking about?!?!

Brice: Oi, don't ask me... But Bonnie said you'll know once you two get close...

Bern: But, if you DONT Want to get close...

Brice: Then just BITE HER. You look pretty worn out already, you haven't even eaten a morsel yet!

Brady: ... N... No, I won't.

Brice: Oi, but you're too weak!

Bonnie: *sighs* I think I have a solution to your hunger.

Brady: ... What?

Bonnie : *grabs Bern and reveals his neck* Bite him. He drank too much blood so I suggest you should drink it out of him.

Brady: *looks to Bern then back to Bonnie* Him? *looks back to Bern's neck, grinning wide, his fangs showing* Gladly...

Bern: Ahh! W- Why meeeeeeee?!?! *he feels Brady grab his head and tilt it back*

Anne: ... He'll need it...

Bern: Next time remind me to suck 2 cups of blood from you *grumble* Just do it already!

Brady: *leans in and bites Bern's neck*

Bern: *gasps a little and moans*

Brady: *begins to suck on his blood*

Bern: *groans and grasps his cape*

Brice: *nosebleed*

Anne: *nudges Brice* Pervert.

Brice: WILL YOU STOP THAT?! *bares fangs at her*

Anne: *moves back a couple steps from him, startled and worried*

Bonnie: He has a short temper.

Anne: Y-Yes, I can tell... For a second, I thought he was going to bite me...

Bern: Hah *pant* How do I taste?

Brady: *pulls away, blood oozing from his mouth* Hm... Filling.

Bern: Is that it?

Brady: No... *takes a deep breath and grins as he exhales* It tasted sweet.

Bern: How come my blood always tastes sweet?

Brice: No idea. You have sugar much?

Bern: I guess I eat to much sweets and maybe my blood got mixed with Anne's a little.

Brady: What? *he thinks for a second* Oh... Alright, then... Well, that certainly refreshed me for a bit.

Bern: So I guess that means you just tasted Anne's blood.

Brice: How does that sweet red liquid that's runs down your throat feel?

Brady: Fine, actually. Because I didn't have to bite her for it.

Brice: *snicker* Maybe you need to bite Bern regularly... *giggle*

Bern: ... Pervert.

Brice: That's it! *he grabs Bern and lifts him up*

Bern: Ah! The perv's got me!

Anne: Hey!! Put him down!

Brice: Oi, since when do you care? If I'm such a perv, then let me see how red will you get after I spank you!

Anne: *her eyes widen and then gulps, trying to be brave again* Yeah? I'd like to see you try!!

Brice: *pulls out his arm and hits Bern's butt* Oops, I just did.

Bern: That actually hurt... Please don't do that again, I'm sorry! Put me down or I'm gonna bite you!

Brice: Heh, I'd like to see you try Shorty. Because I just covered my whole neck with a magic shield to prevent you from biting me.

Bern: Damn you.

Brice : " snicker " now who's the pervert ?

Anne: ... Hey, you still haven't eaten yet, have you?

Brice: Oh, I forgot. *drops Bern and grabs Anne* Time to feed~

Anne: *takes a deep breath and shuts her eyes, turning her head and moved her hair out if the way, leaving her neck exposed*

Brice: *licks his lips and prepares to bite her*

Bern: C'mon, man! Hurry up, I'm hungry!

Anne: Bite Bonnie, Bern!

Bern: What?! She'll tear my head off if I did! I wouldn't dare!!

Anne: Not if you ask her nicely!
*she sighs and lowers her voice* Ok, go ahead...

Brice: *bites her and begins sucking painfully*

Anne: *gasps and moans, painfully gripping his shoulders*

Brice: *finishes and let's go* That's sweet. You're an honest girl, eh?

Anne: *feeling slightly dizzy, she sinks to her knees, nodding* Any... Anything to get out of trouble... Is through honesty...

Bern: My turn~ *quickly grabs her*

Anne: Oth- Other side of the neck, please... *she said, turning her head the other way*

Bern: Okay. *lifts her up bridal style and leans close, breathing in her scent*

Anne: *shudders as she feels the small draft on her neck and grabs onto his cape, shutting her eyes so she didn't have to see it*

Bern: *sniff* You smell like...TRUFFLES~!  My favorite!

Anne: Oh, I didn't know you liked truffles!

Bern: Are you kidding? I LOVE truffles. They are my 2nd favorite thing than blood!

Brice: Eh, Bern aren't you going to-

Bern: Oh, yeah! *bares his fangs* I still need something to drink... *Licks Anne's neck to make it slimmer*

Anne: *her face turns red as he did this*

Bern: Do you want be to me gentle or hard?

Anne: I-I don't care, just get it over with!

Bern: I'll do both! *begins to gently slide his fangs into her skin*

Anne: *she gasps, a long, soft moan escaping her lips as the fangs sunk in gently at first*

Bern: *moans* Now for the fun part~ *starts sucking her blood savagely*

Anne: *she moans loudly as she tightly grips at his cape from his back*

Brice: *stares* ... *nosebleed*

Brady: Perv. Just kidding!

Bern: *hands travel down, gripping her waist and pulling her closer as he grunts*

Anne: *she groans as tries to bear through with it.* E-Enough...

Bern: *keeps sucking*

Anne: *looks like she's about to pass out.*

Bern: *pulls away from her* Sweet jealousy...

Anne: *pants lightly before passing out from blood loss*

Bern: ... *looks at his companions*

Brady: *shocked and angry*

Brice: *raised his eyebrow but is slightly confused*

Bonnie: *calm*

Brice: Well now what? She's passed out now, who goes next?

Bonnie: My turn. *she walks up to her and lifts her up like a doll*

Anne: *motionless, her head hung back, her bloody neck exposed now. You could even notice that the blood started to seep into her dress*

Bonnie: *licks her lips*
A RP with :iconnomi-lewa:. We had this idea including an AU of the Beagle Boys and Bonnie being vampires. (So technically like a Chibi Vampire theme. ;P )

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