
If Pete Won the Fight, Pt. 7-Finale

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*Anne sat up from her chair and walked to her bed, sitting on the edge of it and stare blankly at the window. Everything was happening so fast! Her getting married, expecting a child, but now it's gone, and she feels a pang of regret*

* Suddenly, Brady appears hanging upside down from the window*

Anne: *gasps and hurries to the window and opens it, grabbing Brady and pulling him into the room* Brady! What are you doing here? You're gonna get in trouble!

Brady: No, I won't. Don't worry.

Anne: You don't know that! What're you doing here?

Brady: I wanted to see you.

Anne: *sighs and takes his hands into hers* Brady, it actually makes me overjoyed to see you, but you really shouldn't be here.

Brady: It's fine. Pete's ignorant.

Anne: *she smiles at that and hugs him* It's so great to see you...

Brady: *hugs back* How's the baby?

Anne: *eyes widen* Um... *feels sad once again* Brady, there's something I have to tell you...

Brady: What is it?

Anne: The baby... Is... *sniff* No longer here...

Brady: What... Do you... Mean?

Anne: I mean... *starts to cry* I had a miscarriage...

Brady: ...

Anne: *cries more and hugs him tightly* I-I'm so sorry... I didn't know it was going to happen...!

Brady: ... *Starts shaking*

Anne: *looks up at him* Brady? I'm sorry.

Brady: I... I need to be alone...

Anne: *lets go of him*

Brady: *jumps out of the window*

Anne: *hangs her head low and sighs*

Maid: My Queen? I heard you speaking with someone...

Anne: Huh? *she sees the maid* Oh, no, I'm not.

Maid: I could have sworn I heard a male voice.

Anne: No, you probably must've been hallucinating.

Maid: I have? *starts to get scared*

Anne: Oh, no, don't worry. It happens to everybody.

Maid: ...

Anne: Um, were you going to tell me something? State your business.

Maid: We're moving back to France tomorrow.

Anne: [Oh god, no... The assassinations supposed to be tomorrow!] Oh. Tomorrow? Hm. Anyway, is Pete busy?

Maid: He went away for a while.

Anne: Do you know when he'll be back?

Maid: No.

Anne: Oh... Alright. [Did they kill him already? If they did, then I'm free! But I'll wait until tomorrow morning to be sure. Oh! Of course! I have to tell the boys!] Then I'll wait until morning.

Maid: *nods*


Benito: *is waiting for the three beagle boys to show up*

*then he sees Bern turning the corner, the other two following behind*

Benito: What took you so long?

Brady: Sorry, I had to pay someone a visit.

Benito: You mean the queen?

Brady: ... *glares at him* None of your concern, Benito.

Benito: Miscarriage is a terrible thing for a father, isn't it?

Brady: *shoots a glare at him and grabs him by the collar* You knew?!

Benito: Of course I knew. Because "she" told me.

Brady: *grits his teeth* Why you little--

Benito: Don't blame me.

Brady: I won't blame her, either! *lets go of him*

Benito: *nods*

Bern: Ok, so now what?

Benito: Didn't I just tell you to go? Pete's all alone.

Brice: Right! But we gotta take out those guards first.

Benito: And how do are you supposed to do that when there are 2000 guards in the whole castle?

All three: *gulp*

Brady: Well, just the ones surrounding him, then.

Benito: You won't get past Diego and Fernando.

Brady: Wait, didn't you dismiss them earlier? Telling them they got the rest of the night off?

Benito: That was yesterday.

Bern: Oh…

Brice: Sure we can! I don't even care if they are your colleagues, we're taking them out.

Benito: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Brady: We know. *to Brice and Bern* Ok, ready?

Both: Ready.

Brady: Let's go. Brice, you go first.

Brice: *runs down the hallway*

*Around the corner, he can see 5 guards, including Fernando and Diego, and Pete as well*

Brice: Geez, how do we handle them?

Bern: A distraction!

Brice and Brady: *shoves Bern*

Bern: *glares at them and grumbles then stands at the corner. Then he starts making the most random noises. Bird noises, crazy maniac noises*

Diego: Who's there?!

Bern: *to the twins* Quick, Brice, get on Brady's shoulders and I get on top of yours, then we run at them! But don't let them see our faces!

Brice and Brady: *nods*

Fernando: *gets out his sword*

*the three stack up on their shoulders and prepare to step out of the corner*

Brice: Ok, now what?

Bern: Charge at them, and don't let them see your faces!

Brady: Since when did your plans work?

Bern: Just trust me! We're doing this for Anne and all of us. I would've done this for Bonnie in a heartbeat if she were in Anne's position right now. And plus, charging at people is fun!

Brice: Alright! OOOOIIIIII!!!! *Charges at them*

Brady and Bern: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *they both take out their swords and start slashing at them*

Diego: Aaaaahhh! Get backup!

Pete: What the Sam Hill??

Fernando: Your highness, get somewhere safe!

Bern: GET HIM!!!

*10 more guards block their path.*

Benito: Hey Diego! I'll protect the king. You take care of those three. *him and Pete disappear in the room*

Diego: Right! C'mon, men. Let's get em! CHARGE!

Bern: Ummm... Aha! Follow my lead! Hot soup coming through! *grabs the twins and all three of them jump out of the window*

Fernando: That... Was... Easy...

Brady and Brice: *hold on and scream for dear life* BLOODY HELL, YA IDIOT!

*Suddenly all three of them are slingshotted by a tree and flung back at the window*

Diego: Uh, guys... I think-- AHHHHHH!

*the group of guards get knocked out the window by the impact of the three beagle boys, the three landing with a loud thud*

Brice: Alright! Let's get Pete!
*They charge at the room and freeze in place. Pete is knocked out and tied up to a chair while Benito is standing beside him*
Benito: Murder is against my religious leanings, so jail will be a fitting punishment for him and now it's time for this. *takes out the bottle with shining purple liquid he showed earlier to Evangeline*

Bern: What the heck is that?

Brady: Are you going to break it?!

Benito: No.

All: *sigh in relief*

Benito: I'm going to drink it. *chugs it down his throat*

Brice: *his eyes widen* WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!

*purple smoke surround them as Benito's hair grows longer curlier, his scar disappears and is replaced a fair skin complexion*
Bonnie: Now that was one hell of an epic entrance for me.

Brady, Brice and Bern: ...

Bern: ... B... Bon...

Bonnie: Missed me?

Bern: ... *a second later,  he walks over to her and grabs her, lifting her and spinning her in the air* BONNIE!! *tears start to form in his eyes* I missed you!!!

Bonnie: Not to mention you  all nearly killed me for the past week!

All three: Oh, hehe... *they all scratch their heads nervously*

Brice: Well, we didn't know it was you!

Bonnie: Seriously? I gave you so many clues!!

Brady: Oi, why didn't you come to us in the first place if you weren't dead?

Bonnie: Then my whole plan would be ruined.

Brice: Plan?

Brady: You didn't even bother to show yourself to Anne?

Bonnie: If I showed myself then Anne might have blurted out my real identity. So I couldn't trust anyone.

Bern: Wait! So... If you're alive... Then, are you still...?
Bonnie: I couldn't battle while expecting so I changed my gender for a while.

Brice: Which means now, you're still pregnant. Right?

Bonnie: Si.

Brady: Oh. Well, I can't say the same for Anne-- *gasps* Anne! *he runs out of the room*

Bonnie: Oh yeah . I almost forgot about her! *runs after Brady* You boys keep an eye on Pete but don't kill him. He's going to jail.

Bern and Brice: Rightio, boss!


Anne: *she paced the room while trying to think if a way to sneak out to tell the boys about the trip back to France. Then she hears footsteps outside the room*

Brady: Anne! *he runs up and hugs her*

Anne: *she gasps and realizes who it is, hugging him back* Brady! *she looked up at him* What are you doing here?

Brady: We handled Pete. You're free now.

Bonnie: *has her face covered with her green scarf and uses her Benito voice* Not yet, you're not.

Anne: Benito?

Benito: Not until you acknowledge my existence. *begins to take off his scarf*

Anne: Wait what are you--

Bonnie: You fell for my disguise so easily, mi amigo.

Anne: *her eyes widen and she suddenly hugs her tightly* Bonnie!!
Bonnie: Good to see you again.

Anne: Ah, it's great to know that you're still alive! *she smiles*

Bonnie: Well your reaction seems... Decent. Because the boys nearly hugged me to death and drowned me in tears.

Anne: Right. So, are you pregnant with your daughters?

Bonnie: Yes and...  I'm sorry about your loss.

Anne: *sighs* It's alright...

Brady: *hugs her*

Anne: *hugs him back* Oh! I almost forgot, I was informed that we're going back to France tomorrow.

Brady: Yeah we know. Let's get going then.

Diego and Fernando: Not so fast!
Bonnie: Oi , the plan is complete already. There's no need to fight anymore.

Fernando: Boss... You're a woman?!

Diego: Ha! I told you I wasn't gay when I felt weirdly attracted to him. I mean her.

Anne: *giggles* Well, looks can be deceiving!

Fernando: No wonder you wore perfume all the time. And I thought you were just homosexual.

Brady: Heh, well, she's tough as knives.

Bonnie: Anyway, let's go!


Brice: So, what do you think the others reactions will be when they find out you're alive?

Bonnie: Oh please, there are several people who know me. It's not such a big deal.

Anne: But what about Tina and Rita? Rafael?

Bonnie: That's who I was referring to. There are only 10 people who know me.

Bern: Yeah, a lot of people know you. I'm glad I still do! *places his arm around her shoulder* Who wants to go back home?

Brice and Brady: We do!

Bern: Great! I feel homesick.

Anne: Yeah, and I miss my bakery shop... And I wonder how Minnie's holding up back in France.

Bern: Question. How are we all gonna fit in the carriage?

Bonnie: I guess some of us have to run.

Brice: Or, maybe sit on the roof of the carriage.

Diego and Fernando: Sorry, but place taken.

Bern: I'm sorry, but who said you could come along?

Diego and Fernando: Boss.

Bern: *looks at Bonnie*

Bonnie: They're like family to me.

Anne: Wait, I think the carriage is big enough for five people to fit in.

Bonnie: Alright so 5 go into the carriage and 5 go on the roof, drive and in the back.

Bern: Let's get on!

All: *get on the carriage*

Later they arrive on France. Pete is thrown in the dungeon. Minnie reclaims the throne and marries Mickey.

Anne: *sighs* Well, now all that's over... You guys are free to go anywhere you like.

The boys: Where?
Brice: Seriously, after all we've been through, we end up on the streets again.

Anne: Well you don't have to live on the streets again. If you want, you all can live with me.
Brady: I would like that very much. *kisses her*Bern: How do you know them anyway? *points at Diego and Fernando*

Bonnie: They were my ex lovers like Raphael.

Anne: You had three lovers?

Bonnie: What? What do you expect after being dumped and corrupted?

Anne: Oh... I guess I can't blame you.

Bonnie: Anyway, this... Is where we part.

Anne: I just said you can stay with me, if you want.

Bonnie: I... I want that for the boys; as for me? I'm going separate ways.

Anne: Oh... Well, make sure you come and visit, ok?

Bonnie: Yeah. I'll miss you, old friend. *hugs her and put on her green scarf* I'm going to miss you three idiots.

Brice: See ya next time, crazy woman.

Brady: Stay safe.

Bern: Until we meet again, Le Bon. I will kill you, next time.

Bonnie: Oh, we shall see who's the boss.

Anne: Hm... Bern, why don't you go with her? Just so she's safe.

Bern: Nah, we do this all the time. We cross paths then go our separate ways to not get bored with each other. We will meet again several years later.

Anne: But what about your kids?

Bonnie: They'll live their life to the fullest.

Anne: Well, if you're sure...

Bern: She'll be fine.

Bonnie: Till we meet again, mi amigos. *begins to walk away*

Anne: ... Bonnie, wait! *she runs behind her and hugs her*

Bonnie: *hugs back*  I'm going to miss you, Anne.

Anne: Y-You too, Bonnie...

Bonnie: *lets go of her and starts walking away down the horizon until her silhouette disappeared*

Anne: *sighs and looks to the boys* Well... Now what do we do?

Brady: Go home, I guess.

Brice: Time to hit the hay. I'm so sleepy right now.

Bern: Wait for me! *runs after him*

Anne: *looks up to Brady* Let's go home.

Brady: *smiles gently and kisses her* Let's go home.

Anne: *she smiles at him and they head for her home at the shop. When they got there, Anne hugged Brady* I'm so glad this whole farce is over.

Brady: Me too Anne, me too...

I hadn't realized that I didn't post the final part of this story! ^^;
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this finale and let me know what you think.

RP'd by :iconnomidot: and myself.
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers © Disney
© 2015 - 2024 NoxidamXV
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garrus368's avatar
will happen with Pete? he was executed?